I've been using the VapBong exclusively since Friday. I love this vape. I feel like I've reached my desktop endgame between this and the Woodscents. In fact, the VapBong kinda feels like a heavy hitting big brother to a log vape. Simple, beautiful design. Let it heat soak and leave it on for hours at a time. Seemingly low maintenance, though I haven't done anything but change the water daily so far. I'll do a deep clean this weekend to see how that works out.
This thing is so easy to use. Like, it really could not be easier. I love the mellow ritual it offers. Loading is easy, and I actually find the loading tool fun and useful. The way the bowl fits next to the heater is nice. It's easy to stir, though I find the material always sticks to the screen, and I need to use a pick tool to scrape it off before stirring. Not a big deal. I've been running it anywhere from 10.5-11.5v, and letting it adjust down from there as it heats up. I don't mess with the dial much once it's on. No need.
Everyone talks about the massive bowl, but I'm not using much more than my other vapes, and I'm having great success. It works well with as little as .05g, but my sweet spot has been around .1g so far. I only use enough to fill the screen area at most. That's really all you need for massive hits.
The airflow on this thing is insane. I love how effortless it is to hit. You get so much vapor with such short pulls, which is a nice change of pace for me. I'm used to taking much slower, longer pulls with my other vapes. The flavor is great, and the vapor is smooth. The extraction is outstanding, and this vape hits harder than anything I've used since the Herbalizer. I can't vape more than .05g in this thing in one sitting. If I'm using more than that, I gotta stretch the session out for a while. Otherwise, I'll be on my ass quick!
So yeah, this thing rules, and I'm so glad I grabbed one. I've found the perfect heavy hitter for my lineup. I love the all-in-one dead simple design, and as long as I don't drop it, the only thing I'll ever have to replace are the screens. I ordered a 100-pack of 3/4" screens for $8, so I should be set for life.
I'm envisioning the VapBong as my weekend staple moving forward, with the Woodscents as my weekday daily driver. But, I'm on vacation this week, so the VapBong is getting the spotlight for now.