Well-Known Member
Anyone know the size difference between one armed bandit and vapbong? Are they the same? Different?
@shopdognyc the classic is taller. The classic mouthpiece is about 28cm, while the bandit is 20cm. I got those measurements from Daniel at AoV.
I’m surprised they don’t include any spare screens in the box? I can’t imagine this screen will last forever. Has anyone measured it? Wondering if it’s a common size that can easily be replaced...
The screens are 3/4''@shopdognyc the classic is taller. The classic mouthpiece is about 28cm, while the bandit is 20cm. I got those measurements from Daniel at AoV.
I’m surprised they don’t include any spare screens in the box? I can’t imagine this screen will last forever. Has anyone measured it? Wondering if it’s a common size that can easily be replaced...
youre looking for Vereinigte Staaten in that listThanks guys! I’m having a hard time finding USA in the Land drop down for shipping. Wish I could have my son help me lol.
Danield emailed me back and said the invoice with the paypal payment is their old version, they are still bank only right now.
Transferwire has amazing fees though less then $5 bucks, wow for almost $300
I messaged Art of Vapor and Doctor Colly himself answered me in a matter of minutes, telling me that everything was ok since I gave him the reference number of my money transfer.
Just received email telling me that my order will ship out on Monday. My emails are all from the info@AOV address. No names or signature on my emails. Just curious how you guys know who is replying?
I’m surprised they don’t include any spare screens in the box? I can’t imagine this screen will last forever. Has anyone measured it? Wondering if it’s a common size that can easily be replaced...
My mistake, the sign reads Daniel but my understanding was that the guy's name was Axel, so I supposed Daniel was Dr. Colly.Are you sure it was him? I think it's Daniel only on the emails...
Daniel usually signs his emails, but probably with the amount he's been getting lately that takes too much time!
Mine came with three spare screens along with the one installed... However they are pretty thin fine mesh, I had a couple other in the same size that are a more robust thicker more coarse mesh that I think I prefer... Unfortunately I can't remember where I put one of them lol
The screens are something that need to be changed regularly because when they clog that really hurts your vapor production, so I would like to buy a bunch of spares, of this more robust course style, not sure exactly how to know what I'm getting where... Hmm I think when I got some nice daisy screens the last time they were on eBay...
I think we will see more options without the carb hole, maybe since I have been so vocal about my feelings on it? But I don't think it will ever be an option on its own for every order... Also yeah I think now they expect the popularity with a sale like this, after the last 420 sale!
My mistake, the sign reads Daniel but my understanding was that the guy's name was Axel, so I supposed Daniel was Dr. Colly.
Placed another order for screens and a loading tool and since I made my order just past midnight of 20/11, judging by order numbers, they took a bit more than 50 orders, until now, in less than two days.
I think at this rate AOV will soon be listed on the stock exchange xD
Is there any way to have YouTube Art of Vapor subtitles in English or it’s German only?
Does the form auto fill with that info, I can't remember exactly. I was intimidated by TransferWise but in use it was really simple. I just used it for my Firewood order a couple days ago and I had no issues with only the email and company name to look up their business.@almost there I sent my payment to a business and used their name Art of Vapor GMBH and also used their IBAN.
Stahlsiebe 10er Pack
Unsere Siebe in den VapBongs können beliebig oft erhitzt (am besten mit einem Jet-Feuerzeug) und dadurch gereinigt werden, ein Austausch ist nicht nötig. Wer dennoch mehr Siebchen benötigt kann hier 10 Stück
On this page they say to heat the screen with a jet lighter to clean and reuse it
Wow, it's like the ultimate vape. "Oh shit, I am walking by the vapbong, it's always loaded so....might as well rip it!" So convenientSo a few days ago while loading directly into the bowl I dumped way more flower in than intended. I considered that a point of no returnso I changed things up and went back to the same bowl a few times rather than starting new with each session. There wasn't quite the slightly uneven roasting I remember when I tried this before and I was pushing it with a few hits before I would stir. My starting voltage is now 12V settling around 11V iirc. Using it like this is really convenient as I'll just walk over, put the bowl on, start my draw and before I finish (carb hole covered the entire time) I lift the bowl and clear it. Smaller bowls give better flavour but this is insanely convenient.