Cold or hot dabs?


Well-Known Member
What delivery system do you consume concentrates with and why?

- Cold start (heat nail with concentrates pre loaded)

- Heat nail up then place concentrates onto hot nail

- Vaporizer


I use a preheated enail with sapphire insert. I do believe in the cold start philosophy, but it's harder to do with an enail/quartz banger since the nail doesn't react as fast. Easier to do an uptemp with a torched banger, like the Rio. Vapes that work really well for cold starts are the old SiC halo, directly heated with the flat coil for fastest response.


Well-Known Member
I got a enail setup recently, just with a old style Titanium nail. I love it but I still bust out the quartz banger and torch from time to time to do cold start dabs. I always thought I would never look back once I got a e-nail, But I kinda started to like the torch! my big buddy <3


Yeah when you want an absolute crusher of a hit the torched nail works good for that. It soaks so much radiant heat into the banger that you can't really replicate that kind of hit with an enail, in my experience.


Cold starts, or uptemping, or just hitting the damn thing can all be done with the T-Bucket.

And the sapphire dish responds ridiculously fast to controller temp changes.
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