So, we all know that when cooking with trees, your active ingredient is absorbed into the fats of either your butter, oil, or mix your using. What some people are not aware of is the large range of different saturated fat percentages that exist amongst different oils and butter. If you looking for the highest saturated fat content (highest transfusion rate), your going to want to work with coconut oil. This will come in a solid state unlike many oils due to the high fat content. Of course, this will liquify once the heating process begins. If your not fond of coconut, you next best bet, oil wise, is peanut oil. While second best, it has a significantly lower level for fat content when compared to coconut oil. Also, the coconut oil's coconutty taste helps mask any "earthy" flavor that might make it's way into your goodies. Happy cooking!
So, we all know that when cooking with trees, your active ingredient is absorbed into the fats of either your butter, oil, or mix your using. What some people are not aware of is the large range of different saturated fat percentages that exist amongst different oils and butter. If you looking for the highest saturated fat content (highest transfusion rate), your going to want to work with coconut oil. This will come in a solid state unlike many oils due to the high fat content. Of course, this will liquify once the heating process begins. If your not fond of coconut, you next best bet, oil wise, is peanut oil. While second best, it has a significantly lower level for fat content when compared to coconut oil. Also, the coconut oil's coconutty taste helps mask any "earthy" flavor that might make it's way into your goodies. Happy cooking!