Both vapes will fit the bill according to your criteria IMO, although they're both designed principally with herbs in mind and need something used as a substrate for vaping oils (such as herb).
Arguably the Cloud has the better material selection with a pure glass air path, screen notwithstanding, though the SSV is still very 'thoughtful' with it's bespoke tubing and not really open to all that much just criticism IMO.
I'm expecting, just judging from reports mind, that the Cloud will have the superior performance for connoisseur vaping occasions (it's got sensors, you know
), but the SSV will perhaps be more reliable over the long term as an all day every day workhorse with it's simplicity, longer warranty and cheap repairs policy. And its glass parts are user replaceable. Of course we don't yet know the longevity of a Cloud, or any typical repair costs. It's a more complex beast so I'd perhaps anticipate repairs costing more.
If you're likely to use it at drunken parties or with groups I would sway towards the SSV personally, as there is less to break- people hold a whip and/or glass pieces which they are more welcome to drop than both your expensive Cloud and hydratube. But I don't have my Cloud yet so it's still precious, lol, maybe I'll be more inclined to let the world at it after I've had it for a while.
Another key difference is that the SSV can be left always on and ready to go, whereas the Cloud shuts off. It's not a big issue according to some user reports I've read on here though. Maybe depends on how many times a day you want to hit your vape as to how inconvenient that is.
To be honest it's quite a struggle to choose between the both if I were only allowed to buy/keep one. I think I'd probably have to go with the tried and tested, safe and reliable SSV at this stage, though the Cloud might well offer the better experience.
So there are my thoughts on the matter.