I been stalking the site for over a weekHaha yeah y'all stalking the site, these are for pre-orders remember! This will determine the size of the order placed and help fund... I think we will have a couple weeks to get our pre-orders in, so feel free to relax if you are capable (believe me I know how that is lol)
Yes the names are set now! Dante fits well thematically I think and it honors my friend's recently departed cat child... Influx was not my initial push, but another great full collaboration for name and design
Anyway I had been saying I was finally done with glass, but I knew the cloud connoisseur glass was always going to be an exception to that (among a few others probably)was not sure I would be getting both of these, now though I'm not sure I can resist ordering both, or some more color probably too, myself (must make more room!)

Maybe i will snag the dante as well in a couple of days….gotta vape some more to talk me i to it

Thank you IDB!
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