You should be able to eat it as well, mixed into something like coconut oil, MCT oil or alcohol or even make an atomized spray for under your tongue. You could probably get it into some 192 proof pretty easy without heat, the other two might require a little heat unless you are patient, or would put a tincture bottle in your pocket for a week or so and let 90 degrees and agitation do the work for you. I don't think it has much in the way of waxes so it should go into solution fairly easy.
The extracts were 'purged' from a nearby city, and they were blowing out the clear stuff for $25-35/gram at one shop. AFAIK the clear is not a BHO (even though it may start as one) so they should have been left alone. I wish I'd had some cash to get a few grams to make a tincture which has terpenes still in it, while being active.
Seems weird to me to clean up a crappy extract and then add terpenes back for a generic set of types, but to each their own. But to eat, I would be open to that for sure. Also I think it is good that they are taking these crummy extracts and actually making a half decent product out of them.