Cleansing the system


Active Member
Hi everybody! Wanting to get some others experiences with clearing the weed out of your system. I'm wondering if there are any ways to do it WITHOUT quitting pot.

I just recently stopped using for about 45 days. I had a job I was trying to get and it had a drug screen requirement so I had to stop so I could pee clean. Before someone tells me 45 is longer than I needed, I'm old and have a beer belly so figured the extra days were good for safety sake. Well, I got the job and the company only does an initial test so I'm good to go and back to the red eye.

Been an every day user for so long I cant count and quitting sucked. Bad. I had to go back on my pain killers for my pain and I hate what they do to me. But what I did like was how low my tolerance was when I hit my vape for the first time. It was like the first time ever. I got so baked I really over did it and actually got too high which I don't even think I could do before. Since then I have gotten back to my vape and I also combusted with some buddies over the weekend. Both are getting me way higher than before.

So back to my question, does anybody know of a way to cleanse your system without quitting for a long time? Quitting for that kind of time doesn't work for me because I need it for pain management. But I hate the pain pills. I know some companies sell products that are supposed to do this so you can pee clean but would these work to clear me out every so often so my tolerance stays low? Are there any herbal products or medicines I can get at the pharmacy otc that will do this? Ideally something that I can take and skip weed for a day or two to get the same effect as stopping as long as I did.

Maybe some of you have some ideas. Anybody do something like this as a regular thing? If you do, please let me know what works for you. It could just be wishful thinking that this is possible but if you do it I want to know how.

Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
The only way to eliminate thc metabolites in your urine is quitting, or substitution. THC is fat soluble, so the more body fat a person carries, the more available storage for the thc as it breaks down and exits the body.
Some folks have had good results by overloading their water intake prior to a urine test. As I understand this method, so much water is consumed that your kidneys will bypass the fluid which results in a "diluted" test result. I have never passed a screen by using this method. Substitution is the only way to be 100% sure that the sample you provide is free from thc. The cleanse kits you see otc are not going to eliminate the thc metabolites. There are several reliable vendors that provide the "solution" to your problem. Please pm me and I will provide the names of the vendors I have found to be dependable.
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