I read this in vibrance mag online & although it may support Nycdeisel d-limonene toxic idea, herb may contain d-limonene so its hard not to wuv it for the flavor or if it may play any role in other health properties of medical cannabis (antiseptic, healing, body/mind spirit?♥☼) http://www.epaperflip.com/aglaia/viewer.aspx?docid=ac4155d5cf714d2fa0212bb1fa2edeb0 page 75 bottom right so it may be Beware of Limonene, the toxic chemical in orange rinds Limonene is a naturally ocurring toxin in the essential oils of the rinds of all citrus fruits, as well as some other plants. this chemical gives citrus fruits their familiar aroma and helps protect them from insect predators. it is commercially used in many ways improve our lifestyles; however exposure to this toxin must be avoided in all cases.Many studies on laboratory animals have identified limonene as a carcinogen. Investigations on human subjects have shown the chemical to cause mechanical damage, irritation & other allergenic reactions. Citrus fruit oils are commonly used as fragrance in household products, cosmetics & perfumes. It is even used in some medicines. Citrus oil containing limonene is used as an oil and grease solvent in some household & industrial cleaning products. Due to its combustible nature, limonene has also had limited use as an experimental biofuel. Grated orange peel, or zest is a strong flavorant preferred by many uninformed chefs-a better choice is the inner fruit flesh. Those who juice oranges using a citrus press need to be aware that too much pressure on the rind will release limonene Dr T C fry wrote: "Ordinary commercial orange juice contains a carcinogen! Because the whole orange is squeezed, the toxic limonene (a volatile & flammable oil) from the skin is in the juice. The same goes for lemon & grapefruit juices. Refer to the Office of Toxicological Sciences of the Food & drug administration(FDA). The limonene found in orange oil serves as a natural insect repellent & is used in some mosquito sprays & lotions. A safer solution is to wear extra protective clothing & shun chemical preparations. For termites & other insects, limonene is deadly on contact. For this reason, orange oil has become a new popular termite exterminant. Although it is biodegradable & touted as a natural & safe insecticide, its vapors are unsafe for both humans & animals. If it is used, residents should be instructed to vacate their homes until the vapors have completely off-gassed. Except for the occasional whiff of citrus fruit aroma, it is best to avoid exposure to limonene, especially for those of us with asthma & environmental sensitivity.♥ i'm sorry i can't seem to figure this out, having trouble with paragraphs writing this out plz forgive me, it may be more ez to read it from the vibrance mag epaperflip
Or it might be something elseI predict an organic alcohol solution will be the answer to this problem....
According to Sloan Kettering d-lemonine is a cancer preventative.
Sloan Kettering is not to be trusted.
Don Q 151 Rum?I would love to try an organic alcohol to use. instead of that iso crap made from petroleum
strictly to clean glass of residues, of course. I havent tried lemon juice alone and im not quite sure that would do the job....