if its that silicone/stretchy tubing, would it be possible to actually flip it inside-out, scrub with (isopropyl) alcohol on a damp towel, and use the (new) inside until its time to clean that also?
i havent really used a full tube yet (mines still brand new) but when the time comes, i plan to actually slice it open with a blade & scrape all the goo out with like a credit card or something...
luckily, a local head shop sells tubing for $1 per about 30 inches so i bought $6 worth...i dont see this becoming a problem for me for a very long time...
on another note, i just switched to the turkey size oven bags (which are much bigger than the "large" sized reynolds plastic oven bags) from the original volcano bags & i fell in love with my volcano all over again...i really have to say that larger bags are the way to go with volcanos...these reynolds bags are also much quieter for people who cant stand the crinkly noise...much more pleasant & stealth (except for the gigantic bag of vapors thats tough to hide)...btw, sticking to the thread, i use 99% iso on my volcano to harvest also