who? wtf does Jesus have to do with christianity?
Yes, they were according to that passage. There's a reason I'm not a Christiancharliedontsurf said:aero18 said:Revvy said:Romans 13: It's a sin to break the law; buying/having/consuming weed is breaking the law; ergo smoking is a sin.
"Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves."
Few bible passages tell you so blatantly to eat the corn bread. So were the ruling authorities in Nazi Germany and Imperial-era Japan placed there by the mandate of god?
And no one wants to sign up for my post apocalyptic cult? Nuts.
lwien said:Revvy said:The command to not break the law here supersedes the passage you quoted. It is important for the people of God to be seen as lawful and respectable. Someone engaging in illegal behavior is not the kind of person God wants representing him.
Does this also pertain to Jesus, for He also engaged in illegal behavior, did He not?
Revvy said:The command to not break the law here supersedes the passage you quoted.Vicki said:Revvy said:Romans 13: It's a sin to break the law; buying/having/consuming weed is breaking the law; ergo smoking is a sin.
Ok then, if that is the case, how does this scripture (that was quoted previously in this thread) work with that then?
That's the problem when you have a bunch of different authors.Stu said:Maybe God is fuckin' with us... He can't even keep his own story straight.
Vicki said:Revvy said:The command to not break the law here supersedes the passage you quoted.Vicki said:Ok then, if that is the case, how does this scripture (that was quoted previously in this thread) work with that then?
I've never seen the scripture that says that. Can you tell me that one?
You're argument confuses me a little. God is love and he is compassionate. So, the people that live in medical marijuana states are ok with God, but not the people in pain that may live in other states, because Caesar says so? Even though God has already told us he gave us all plants, seeds, etc.
God is ok with some people suffering in pain because they live on a certain piece of land on this planet? I'm sorry, I don't believe God is that way.
Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.Vicki said:Revvy said:The command to not break the law here supersedes the passage you quoted.Vicki said:Ok then, if that is the case, how does this scripture (that was quoted previously in this thread) work with that then?
I've never seen the scripture that says that. Can you tell me that one?
You're argument confuses me a little. God is love and he is compassionate. So, the people that live in medical marijuana states are ok with God, but not the people in pain that may live in other states, because Caesar says so? Even though God has already told us he gave us all plants, seeds, etc.
God is ok with some people suffering in pain because they live on a certain piece of land on this planet? I'm sorry, I don't believe God is that way.
Vicki said:I've never seen the scripture that says that. Can you tell me that one?
You're argument confuses me a little. God is love and he is compassionate. So, the people that live in medical marijuana states are ok with God, but not the people in pain that may live in other states, because Caesar says so? Even though God has already told us he gave us all plants, seeds, etc.
God is ok with some people suffering in pain because they live on a certain piece of land on this planet? I'm sorry, I don't believe God is that way.
Of course they are. We created them both out of our own primal ignorance.aero18 said:The savior and condemner are one and the same.
Stu said:Of course they are. We created them both out of our own primal ignorance.aero18 said:The savior and condemner are one and the same.
charliedontsurf said:In a sense, the monotheistic god common to the world's largest religions equates to nothing more in my mind than a cosmic space-baby playing with itself for all eternity. God IS reality, space, time, humanity, heaven, hell. He's some cosmic simpleton entertaining himself for all of eternity. What a flattering deity to prostrate yourself before.
Revvy said:Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.Vicki said:Revvy said:The command to not break the law here supersedes the passage you quoted.
I've never seen the scripture that says that. Can you tell me that one?
You're argument confuses me a little. God is love and he is compassionate. So, the people that live in medical marijuana states are ok with God, but not the people in pain that may live in other states, because Caesar says so? Even though God has already told us he gave us all plants, seeds, etc.
God is ok with some people suffering in pain because they live on a certain piece of land on this planet? I'm sorry, I don't believe God is that way.
Don't think Paul's talking about an earthly judgment for those who are rebelling against God's institution. You're getting confused because you think God is all loving.
Vicki said:The earthly governments and authorities are established by Satan.
Vicki said:The earthly governments and authorities are established by Satan.
Romans 13:1 said:1 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.
Proverbs 8:15 said:15 By me kings reign and rulers issue decrees that are just;
16 by me princes govern, and noblesall who rule on earth
Earthly governments are very clearly established, supported, and legitimized by God according to the bible.John 19:11 said:(In response to a government official) Jesus answered, "You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above. Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin."
The bible says nothing about Satan being cast down from Heaven. That was written by Jonh Milton much, much later.Vicki said:The Bible says Satan is the Father of this world, when he was cast from heaven down to Earth. It is his influence that has caused so much suffering.
Putting weed on the same level as worshiping God is a bit sacrilegious, no? God doesn't care about your health or wellbeing. If he did, you very simply would not be in pain.Vicki said:In the case of cannabis, of course I rebel. It's my medicine. I would also rebel if they said I could not worship God anymore. I'm not a blind follower of people in this world, and I pray about everything that is important to me. I have prayed about these subjects, and I know God is not displeased with me by using a plant as medicine.
Revvy said:The bible says nothing about Satan being cast down from Heaven. That was written by Jonh Milton much, much later.Vicki said:The Bible says Satan is the Father of this world, when he was cast from heaven down to Earth. It is his influence that has caused so much suffering.
Revvy said:Putting weed on the same level as worshiping God is a bit sacrilegious, no? God doesn't care about your health or wellbeing. If he did, you very simply would not be in pain.Vicki said:In the case of cannabis, of course I rebel. It's my medicine. I would also rebel if they said I could not worship God anymore. I'm not a blind follower of people in this world, and I pray about everything that is important to me. I have prayed about these subjects, and I know God is not displeased with me by using a plant as medicine.
Lo said:I was always taught to stay away from religion & politic debates to keep things civil when in mixed company or public. Now I don't really live by that rule all the time as I enjoy debating controversial topics amongst friends or the likes. I just don't like to see when things turn ugly. Don't want that to happen here either.
I think people can believe whatever they want to. Not up to me to tell folks what to believe nor for them to tell me what to believe.
Many folks, different backgrounds, different beliefs and that is okay... we share our love of the vape![]()
Durden said:"Throughout human history, as our species has faced the frightening, terrorizing fact that we do not know who we are, or where we are going in this ocean of chaos, it has been the authorities---the political, the religious, the educational authorities---who attempted to comfort us by giving us order, rules, regulations, informing---forming in our minds---their view of reality...
...Think for yourself, question authority. "
This thread is amusing.