Choosing the one and only desktop vape


Well-Known Member
I didn't include the SSV because there are lots of bad reviews about it's efficiency. Maybe you shouldn't trust them?
Right, you shouldn't trust them at all !

Simpliest tech, glass on glass airpath, non restricted airdraw, rock-solid, build to last decades (for instance, i remember they said one of their first unit had been turned on 24/24 for 8 years straight at their factory…)
Althought i did combust in it, it happened 2 times in something like 4 years of daily use.
If you can get an LSV it's even more versatile !
And it's a highly ranked device in the "heavy hitters" list :).
You'll even find mods to enhance your ride very easily.

It's a bit "old" as you won't get any fancy screen or "fine tuning" or blinkin' leds, but you learn to tune your vape with your draw and that analog glass knob and i like it way much !
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