Anyone ever just been driving home, just got off work ready to relax, you pull up to a gas station to get gas and realize your driver side door is locked shut stuck, and you have to look like a dumbass climbing out the passenger side, even though you drive a nice car and that shouldn't happen, then you realize after fucking with the lock to get it open you've just locked all your doors and locked your wallet and phone in there as well, and there's a line of people waiting for your spot at the gas station in the ghetto?
Yeahh, just happened to me.
Just a few weeks ago, I pulled up to my work and realized my driver seat belt won't unlock, so I have to look like a dumbass pulling my fucking seat belt over my legs in the middle of the parking lot.
Happy Motherfucking Friday y'all! Now that I'm home FINALLY it's time to get vaked.
EDIT: ^^at the top, was my longest run on sentence, ever.