Man everyone is tripping over a plastic pin just insert a pin with metal In the middle and a notch to beside it to keep it from coming out itself. Plastic then metal then plastic wham pin works in the cera without removing it simple fix.
When I hear stuff like if I loose it what do I do response was stick a tooth pick or something in it so reverse that thought.
I'm so done with all their shit over the little pin just make your own
Hey Mark,
I've seen alot of your posts in both of these threads and frankly, it bothers me to read them. It's a constant stream of negative, hypercritical, complaining energy you seem to bring. I enjoy your point of view, but would love if it was presented differently.
I'm not a mod or anything but i can't help but refer you to here:
The first rule is "Be Nice". Ya know?
So that's all, just wanted to toss out a friendly reminder that this product and forum wasn't created solely to vent your frustrations, you're totally entitled to think whatever ya like, but let's attempt to keep the discussion fruitful and informative please.

Thanks bro, appreciate it. Sorry to call out but it's erked me several times thus far.

mod note: Correct you are not a mod so please leave moderating to moderators. The "Be Nice" rule applies to you too. Any further posts on this topic will get a warning.