Tek CBD wax or dabs


New Member
Anyone tried these, I have seen a few brands two of which are on this site

The vape gel and hemp dabs? anyone tried these. I have tested the Gold Hemp Oil in the mouth but never smoked or dab'd CBD. Is that what the Hemp Honey Wax is?

Vape Gel seems interesting, just looking into more CBD and the drops to me wern't strong enough


Depends where you are, but here in California CBD extracts are becoming more and more popular. My favorite form of cbd is shatter from the strain ACDC which produces an intense cherry taste, is very smooth, and complements THC very well. You can find CBD concentrates in many dispensary's nowadays though, thats for sure.
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Too bad I can only find ACDC from Prime and Rump at rape prices ($80+/g). Medicine for the patients my ass.


New Member
I've never tried those, but did buy a gram of some CBD rich Rick Simpson Oil in a tube. I dabbed some of it and WOW, it worked really well, much better than eating it. I believe the full cannabinoid profile truly makes a difference. For an CBD rich product, it had no ceiling and induced high anxiety in 3 different people. I don't know what strain was used in making it, but it tasted vaguely like mint and chocolate.
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