Tried swallowing 150mg of 20:1 CBD:THC oil in a cap with lecithin, which I hadn't tried before. That works out to ~100mg of CBD, with many minor cannabinoids, and ~5mg of THC.
The main effect:
visual sharpening, with a light
anxiety suppression. It's a
better quality effect than a benzo, but weaker than 0.25 mg of Xanax. There's a
slight headache, more of a tightness behind the temples and in the neck. The familiar visual sharpening I attribute to the mini-dose of THC.
As to pain relief, nothing I can detect. I have a low tolerance, I can feel the 5mg of THC, a 3:2 THC:CBD
Beboe pastille is very nice, but for me the CBD is dubious, especially with that neck tightness. A smaller dose? Meh.
The CBD does its little something, and in the presence of the non-THC cannabinoids might well work like this 20:1 I tried. There's a huge variation in response, but I would extrapolate to expecting that 100mg of pure CBD, with no additional cannabinoids for the "entourage effect", would be bordering on placebo territory.
There's another issue, which is that pure CBD has a bell-shaped response curve, meaning that too much is ineffective, just like too little. That was seen e.g. when treating stage fright with pure CBD. Good luck hitting that ideal dose - that's why it was considered inactive for decades. And that's what the full cannabinoid entourage, even in tiny amounts, supposedly corrects. CBD then apparently acquires a normal rising dose/response curve -- but also an undebatable Schedule I tag.
When GW recently got FDA approval for pure CBD in epileptic children it's dosed at several hundred mg, which is unfortunately to be expected without the helper cannabinoids. They report side effects, including liver problems, at those dosages, loss of appetite, tiredness, depression. And the price they charge for it as Epidiolex is high. They say $32,000 a year, and they picked that "
in line with other branded antiepileptic drugs used to treat these intractable conditions.” In other words, what the market will bear.
CBD is a fad, it's generally insanely priced. And all the "Hemp Oil" that's so widely advertised has no significant CBD content. Even most "therapeutic CBD" in dispensaries is shaky. Do the math. If a 30ml bottle contains 100mg, you'd need to drink it all at one sitting. $heesh.
The argument that industrial hemp accumulates toxins and thus cannot be used to make safe CBD is absurd. If you purify CBD from any source, it's the same single molecule. When they sell pure CBD, there's even no way to determine its origin. For the entourage effect, you could add a bit of cannabinoids from a low grade "medical cannabis" trim. That's not very expensive. We should expect CBD prices to drop. And hopefully these fake "Hemp oils" with all the glowing reviews will go away.
There are other bona fide benefits I'm not looking at tonight, including anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory effects. I might dream of dragons or not have to get up to piss, but this is the quick subjective report.