

New Member
I use Brass Knuckles. But, I need to find an alternative that's clean and beneficial.

Lemme tell you all a story .

TL;DR - My wife's father hand four seizures on Monday from pesticides in a Brass Knuckles cartridge. I looked up BK + Pesticides, and read a lot of articles, including the court summons and other legal documents that were served to BK for this infringement, almost a year ago .

I use BK for on the go pain mgmt. Can't always be lighting up a bowl, and the dab pens are a little more discreet/unnoticable cos they're kinda like vapes, with Nicotine .

So I guess I'm asking, who's reliable, potent, and affordable, other then BK , because I don't need anymore siezures in my life, regardless if it's me or someone I know .


PS- I'm new, so if there is already a thread kinda like mine, please direct me to it .
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