crawdad said:
2clicker said:
are you familiar with the American Expedition Vehicles Jeep conversions? they are doing some amazing stuff right now.
so i change my wanted vehicle to an AEV Hemi converted 4dr JK on 37" pillows
to each their own, i feel its a waste of money. for 3-4 grand you can have something that looks and handles more bad ass. but if you want brand new and a cool "off the shelf" look then perhaps that is the way to go. i know plenty of folks who go that route. im a cheap person and like old school (simpler) things.
moving on though, this is for digging the old vans/buses...
while i agree they are marked up quite a bit, they are def not about an "off the shelf" look.
AEV is creating the best off road vehicles on the planet bar none period. and they will do toyotas as well! if i wasnt driving a jeep id be driving a toyota truck or fj, but the new jeep JKs are designed sooooo well for off road use.
and you COULD NOT have anything that would perform anywhere near the level of an AEV custom JK for 3-4 grand. not possible unless your fabbing the parts yourself and making an engine yourself.
i know all about doing things yourself and all that... just look at the homemade vape thread

but this is completely different.
AEV has put in SO MANY hours of research and development on their products its amazing. besides the price of those is nothing compared to some of the 200-300K trail rigs that are showing up on the trails everywhere these days. while a 6 cylinder will do you well on the trail, its not an 8. putting a 5.7L or 6.1L hemi in a JK may seem extreme to some, but it is essential to others.
and they arent about the "look" as much as the performance. maybe their customs dont look "big" enough, but they will outperform anything else available today. its all about staying as low to the ground as possible while running the largest tires possible. tire size is where the ground clearance is really gained.

not lift size.