Carb Cap Discussions


So many options on the market, what do you currently using?
Post up your setups!

Do you prefer directional caps with the more restrictive airflow, or spinner caps?
Anyone using channel caps?

What caps are on your radar/ wish-list?

I've always been directional, but have been recently using an Evan Shore ball spinner plug and really enjoying it. It does such a great job spreading material, I don't think I am going to go back to fiddling with the directional caps anytime soon.


Have you heard about the boom on Mizar 5?
I've been happy with my quartz pi ball cap set up but sadly the world of 30mm bangers doesn't seem to offer many options for different carb caps compared to what you can get for 25mm. I've been looking some at picking up one of the D-Nail channel caps at some point but tbh having a big disk sitting on top of my banger isn't super thrilling to me.


I always preferred a basic bubble cap too, but lately I've gotten tired of stirring and I've been wanting to try the channel caps bad - though I've definitely heard mixed opinions on the airflow.

I feel like there is a right and wrong way to "spin" and some miss the mark. I'm more interested in stirring the pot than zinging pearls.

The one thing I like about bubble designs is that they "sit" in the banger and you can let go of them without issue. I like to pick my rig up when using and would probably break a channel cap walking around.

Thew new D-Nail lateral cap looks pretty sick and it looks like it has a rim to sit on and around the banger more securely.


I am with you... I find zinging pearls is not nearly as pleasurable as a medium/soft whirl to spread out your oil.

I admit, though it seems long forgotten from these pages, I thought Liger really pushed designs forward with caps... though I never could afford to try them all.
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