Cannabis Variation on Noon Chai (Kashmiri pink tea, salt tea)


Well-Known Member
Cannabis Variation on Noon Chai (Kashmiri pink tea, salt tea)

Ok, so for what it's worth I have yet to try this with a samovar. But using a stove it turned out good, I just had to be careful that I didn't overcook it. I can only imagine a samovar would make it easier. I also am just kind of eyeballing the amounts. When I try this again I'll try and get a more accurate account.

What you'll need

1/2 cup of cream or milk

1/2 cup of almond milk

1 tsp butter

6-10 grams ABV or decarbed cannabis

1/2 oz of Kashmiri tea or green tea

1 tablespoon salt

1 tsp baking soda

Chopped Pistachio

Chopped Almond

Samovar (optional)

Part 1: Infusing the milk

Start by boiling water in the bottom of your samovar.

In the top pot add 1/2 cup cream/milk, 1/2 cup almond milk, 1 tsp butter, and 6-10 grams of ground decarbed cannabis or ABV

Stir the milk/cannabis mixture frequently. Leave heating on the samovar for at least an hour. When it is finished, place in another container, and store in the refrigerator. Wash out the top pot of your samovar so it can be used to make the tea.

Part 2: Making the tea

To your top pot, add 10-15 grams of tea leaves (I use Kashmiri tea, but any quality green tea will do), 1 tablespoon salt, and enough water to cover the leaves. Heat on the samovar. As the water evaporates, add more, just enough to keep the leaves covered. When bubbles start forming in your tea concentrate it is time to add 1tsp baking soda to create the pink color.

After an hour or longer, the tea should be in a concentrated liquid.

Part 3: Serve

To serve pour some tea concentrate into a cup, and add boiling water from the bottom of the samovar (more or less depending how much caffeine you want). Then add milk/cream/cannabis mixture. Garnish with chopped pistachio, almond, and salt.

Some people like sugar, honey, whole cardamom, cinnamon or saffron with it as well, though I've read those ingredients are not part of the traditional recipe... then again neither is cannabis.
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