The new laws require store operators to obtain a business license designed for the medical marijuana stores. Shops are prohibited from operating within 1,000 feet of a church, school, park, liquor store other marijuana shops and other places considered a drug-free zone under city law, such as libraries and child-care centers. Store operators will be able to apply to the Board of Zoning Appeals for a variance to operate within those boundaries.
Absolutely. Cannabis and things like live performance venues, jazz cellars, rock clubs and so on could become the basis of a renaissance for many of our seedier looking cities. Imagine knocking down abandoned housing and creating huge parks like the Tivoli in Copenhagen with venues, performances, art, drama, food, drink, weed...If I were a Mayor of a failing city (Pick any one) I would not hesitate to have a "Blue Light" district where Dispensaries, Gastro Pubs and Motels would flourish. Give folks a reason to come to your city. Get Tax dollars for schools, roads, trash pickup.
You suggested I might be young in a response to one of my posts.Yes I did. The article gives a selection of the facts, but not enough to know if the punishment is fair. You are very young aren't you? The young are such absolutists, so self-righteous in their beliefs and cruel in their justice. For example, they said they tested the cake wrapper and found THC. But did they test her blood? What if the wrapper was re-used from a different cake and she was sleepy because she took benadryl? We have no way of knowing. What I do know is that punishment sounds awfully cruel to the daughter and wife, if there is a wife.
I would guess it depends on the type and amount of alcohol. When I was a child my mother would give me scotch soaked towelets to rub on my gums when I was teething or had a toothache. Give a 4 year old 2 or 3 shots and it would hopefully be jail time.
"It's hard to make judgements without knowing all the facts"
No, actually it's not. Be responsible!
YES. If not, then they should. 'Slipping' something to someone, especially a child, is unacceptable whether it's cannabis, alcohol or whatever.
I think my recent post in the parents that vape thread addresses these comments so I will repost it here.Without all the facts, how can you know if he was responsible or not?
I agree it's unacceptable to slip a child some drug or alcohol. 2 years in prison and 5 years barred from seeing your child is pretty significant punishment. The drug wore off in 24 hours and apparently the girl was unharmed. Preventing her from seeing her parent for 5 years will continue to damage her for a long time. Who is going to pay for her stuff while dad is in prison? This doesn't just punish the dad. Who knows possibly he is a total piece of work and should be tossed in the chokey and throw away the key; without knowing all the details it is easy to self-righteously condemn the fellow.
Yes I did. The article gives a selection of the facts, but not enough to know if the punishment is fair. But did they test her blood?
What would those have been? How do you hurt someone with a little bit of pot? Oh right, he was probably trying to get his daughter so high she couldn't handle it and would jump out a fucking window right? A little pot does not hurt a kid so please explain to me why those of you that feel a 2 year prison sentence or 5 year parentless kid is acceptable forms of punishment.
But ruining lives and families is not acceptable justice and shame on those of you that said it was...I know who you are![]()
You still don't know what happened, whether there was a mistake or what. He took a plea bargain because they had charges which would have put him away for a long time. Possibly all he did was see a piece of cake in the fridge and put it in the girls lunch. Conceivably he is taking the fall for someone else. You can't know from that article. "That leads me to believe...". Yes exactly, you are projecting beliefs onto the situation and making all sorts of assumptions.I quoted Gunky's post again because I asked him if he read the article. He answered "Yes". If he had read the article he would have known that they did test the child and she tested positive for THC.
A quote from the article, "The girl’s system tested positive for THC — the active ingredient in marijuana. Day care staff said the girl had been visited that morning by her father, Batten, who gave her snacks."
I'm going to ask you now, did you read the article?
This is a child. A 4 year old child that was given a psychoactive drug without her knowledge. I've known adults that have ingested too much pot through edibles and have become incapacitated. Jump out a window? What about possibly stumbling and falling out a window? The article stated she became disoriented, so falling out a window was a possibility. The person that gave her the cake denied it and lied saying he purchased the cake at a deli. That leads me to believe that he intended to do harm to the child in some way.
As I said before, giving drugs to anyone without their knowledge is unacceptable. Especially when it's a child.
I'm a bit torn on this one and I kind of agree that maybe we don't have all the info.
For example....I don't know what the father's background is. Maybe they threw the book at him because he is a felon with multiple previous arrests/convictions. Did he abuse the child in the past? Was he on parole at the time? Did he live in a legal state? Did he medicate his daughter by mistake or on purpose?
Even if it was a mistake some form of punishment is in order.... but if this was a mistake and a first time offense, 2 years in prison and 5 years without being able to be with your kid seems a bit harsh.
I think there had to be more to this to get hit that hard.
You still don't know what happened, whether there was a mistake or what. He took a plea bargain because they had charges which would have put him away for a long time. Possibly all he did was see a piece of cake in the fridge and put it in the girls lunch. Conceivably he is taking the fall for someone else. You can't know from that article. "That leads me to believe...". Yes exactly, you are projecting beliefs onto the situation and making all sorts of assumptions.
Yes I read the article. Apparently I missed the bit about testing the kid for THC. At least I am not missing my compassion.
NO, I did not read the article. My point was not on the article but on the subject matter. I disagree whole-heartedly with treating pot like it is a lethal poison all of a sudden. I agree with punishment if there is reason to believe there was negligence or intent, however I do not agree on such harsh punishment for a first time offender.I'm going to ask you now, did you read the article?
This is a child. A 4 year old child that was given a psychoactive drug without her knowledge. I've known adults that have ingested too much pot through edibles and have become incapacitated. Jump out a window? What about possibly stumbling and falling out a window? The article stated she became disoriented, so falling out a window was a possibility. The person that gave her the cake denied it and lied saying he purchased the cake at a deli. That leads me to believe that he intended to do harm to the child in some way.
As I said before, giving drugs to anyone without their knowledge is unacceptable. Especially when it's a child.
I agree with 100% with everything you said.
You accuse me of making assumptions then proceed to imply that I have no compassion? Odd....
"He saw a piece of cake and put it in her lunch". This is false. The article states he was seen handing the girl the cake.
I'm not a conspiracy theorist so I took the article as it was written. I based my opinion on this being a case that has already been tried on facts presented.
How would handing the girl cake be significantly different from putting it in a lunch she was going to eat? Same thing: he gave her the cake. We have no idea what really happened. Knowing how the justice system is wont to treat any cannabis involved issues it is best to take that article with a few grains of salt rather than start loudly baying for the man's head without all the requisite facts, indulging in the daily minute of hate.