....I'll be bashing dump till I can't bash anymore...lolFlorida, my friend. This is Florida....this is the Fla Speaker of the House, I believe. This was not a straight line lead for your next Trump bash.
Come on....
....I'll be bashing dump till I can't bash anymore...lolFlorida, my friend. This is Florida....this is the Fla Speaker of the House, I believe. This was not a straight line lead for your next Trump bash.
Come on....
Yep, sounds like TN needs a whole new bunch of elected state representatives just like FL and a few other states where the elitist pols are actively working against the democratically expressed desires of the electorate. 75% of Tennesseans agree that seriously ill patients should have access to medical cannabis, according to a 2014 MTSU poll.Senate Panel Defeats Tennessee Pot Decriminalization Bill
The Associated Press
Updated 3:07PM
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) – A bill seeking to reduce the penalty for possessing small amounts of marijuana in Tennessee has been extinguished in a state Senate committee.
The Judiciary Committee voted 6-3 on Tuesday against the measure sponsored by Sen. Jeff Yarbro. The bill would have made possession of less than one-eighth of an ounce of marijuana a Class C misdemeanor punishably by a fine of no more than $50.
Pot possession is currently a Class A misdemeanor that can be punished with up to nearly a year in jail and a fine of up to $2,500.
The legislation was filed by Yarbro and Rep. Harold Love, a fellow Nashville Democrat, in response to a Republican bill to repeal any city ordinances to reduce the penalty for people who possess small amounts of marijuana.
I can't believe this BS is still going on. Be careful what your lawmakers are doing. Keep on your toes folks. Do we have any FCers from Tennessee? Really, a year in jail?
@Silat , my friend - Do you have a link or citation?? Can't seem to find this.News from the Grand Wizard and Putin Lover Jeff Sessions
"Sessions is gonna crack back down on those horrible reefers-devils with their jazz cigarettes (smoke 'em if you got 'em, Steiniacs and Glibertarians, because it looks like elections actually have consequences!)
HH: Let’s talk about the rule of law. I have a piece coming out in the Washington Post about this on Sunday, Attorney General Sessions. One RICO prosecution against one marijuana retailer in one state that has so-called legalization ends this façade and this flaunting of the Supremacy Clause. Will you be bringing such a case?
JS: We will, marijuana is against federal law, and that applies in states where they may have repealed their own anti-marijuana laws. So yes, we will enforce law in an appropriate way nationwide. It’s not possible for the federal government, of course, to take over everything the local police used to do in a state that’s legalized it. And I’m not in favor of legalization of marijuana. I think it’s a more dangerous drug than a lot of people realize. I don’t think we’re going to be a better community if marijuana is sold in every corner grocery store."
News from the Grand Wizard and Putin Lover Jeff Sessions
"Sessions is gonna crack back down on those horrible reefers-devils with their jazz cigarettes (smoke 'em if you got 'em, Steiniacs and Glibertarians, because it looks like elections actually have consequences!)
HH: Let’s talk about the rule of law. I have a piece coming out in the Washington Post about this on Sunday, Attorney General Sessions. One RICO prosecution against one marijuana retailer in one state that has so-called legalization ends this façade and this flaunting of the Supremacy Clause. Will you be bringing such a case?
JS: We will, marijuana is against federal law, and that applies in states where they may have repealed their own anti-marijuana laws. So yes, we will enforce law in an appropriate way nationwide. It’s not possible for the federal government, of course, to take over everything the local police used to do in a state that’s legalized it. And I’m not in favor of legalization of marijuana. I think it’s a more dangerous drug than a lot of people realize. I don’t think we’re going to be a better community if marijuana is sold in every corner grocery store."
I just listened to the actual audio recording of this interview from the Hugh Hewitt show. It is important to note that Sessions paused after the words "We will." That was not a statement, but the beginning of a sentence he did not want to finish. He paused, and then as if to change direction towards being more non-committal, continued with "Marijuana is against federal law..."
If you read between the lines IMHO, he is skirting the issue and is not interested in taking it on. I think the feds will save face by taking a stand on interstate movement of cannabis. They really hate this, and can enforce this one piece as their token "stepped up enforcement" while leaving states alone. If so, I actually consider this to be a reasonable angle from the federal government. I'll keep all my reefer right here in my very own state, I promise.![]()
I think the feds will save face by taking a stand on interstate movement of cannabis. They really hate this
It doesn't matter if the states that the parcel travels through are legal or not. As soon as you cross a state line you are fucked federally. Interstate commerce and schedule 1 brings it right into the feds wheelhouse.What about traveling with, or even mailing a permitted quantity straight from one legal state to another?
...it's not the only issue Americans can't have a reasonable discussion about.....just one of many.
Totally agree with you, sadly its been that way for so long that many folks can't see that there is a different way.
the policy or practice on the part of people in positions of authority of restricting the freedom and responsibilities of those subordinate to them in the subordinates' supposed best interest.
"the arrogance and paternalism that underlies cradle-to-grave employment contracts"
And I will applaud, cheer, and jump up and down showing peace signs. Posthumously.On the upside when the political pendulum swings back in the other direction and the nation takes another shot at legalization hopefully citizens will be wiser, bolder and more involved in the task so the process can't be so easily derailed.
What about traveling with, or even mailing a permitted quantity straight from one legal state to another?
I think that could present a bit of a conundrum. The entire west coast of the usa is legal now
HI Maggie - I have read a number of articles about the proposed new head of the FDA, Dr. Scott Gottlieb. This includes articles in what can be considered to be consistently liberal publications such as the Washington Post.Unfortunately, the probable new head of the FDA is in the pockets of the pharmaceutical industry. Trump is almost creating an anti marijuana coalition.
HI Maggie - I have read a number of articles about the proposed new head of the FDA, Dr. Scott Gottlieb. This includes articles in what can be considered to be consistently liberal publications such as the Washington Post.
Based on those readings, I believe that any attempt to paint this gentleman in such black and white terms as "in the pockets of the pharmaceutical industry" would be a distortion, would be misleading, and would be a disservice to all.
Well then....we disagree and quite frankly my friend, throwing around Nazi references and name calling is really not quite up to your general standards of discourse.There is no doubt that he is corporate owned reich wing extremist.
"March 2016 article for Forbes (ultra conservative rag), he argued against allowing patients to import medicines from foreign countries — a proposal, aimed at lowering medicine costs, that the drug industry has long fought against."
He is also a member of the American Enterprise Institute (supported by the likes of christian extremist government haters like the DeVos family. The Kochs are involved also.) which is far reich.
I think he is painted correctly.
Well then....we disagree and quite frankly my friend, throwing around Nazi references and name calling is really not quite up to your general standards of discourse.
Well then....we disagree and quite frankly my friend, throwing around Nazi references and name calling is really not quite up to your general standards of discourse.