@cybrguy @Adobewan
lol... yeah, no, I haven't smelled mash. But I can imagine.
This is the near-term reality that I see, on a few fronts, being a good neighbor pays off.
Here's my thinking:
If I'm an individual growing, that's fine... outdoor grow? enough distance between you and neighbors?
perhaps an indoor grow? indoor grow, air handling and odor control (grow tent/grow room).
storefronts: please use odor control, businesses next to you aren't loving it.
commercial grows: warehouse style, air handlers and odor control.
My big concern is for the individual grow, I don't want personal cultivation banned by communities due to this issue. Cities will do this in a heartbeat if they see something as a nuisance.
So if we head it off at the pass, we're further along towards where we want to be able to be.
But even in industrial parks (where tons of these commercial grows are), it only makes sense to seal the envelope of your building for energy efficiency, and while you're at it, the air handlers and scrubbers for positive pressure (helps keeps bad contaminant <pests, pollens> stuff out), odor control.
Now the SCAQMD may not have any issues with all those lovely aromatic VOC's, so THEY may not regulate it, but some city/county WILL strictly due to nuisance factor. I mean even the Siracha plant was getting complaints down here in so cal!
We have no issues with all the lovely fragrances from our favorite plant, but the reality is a GREAT MANY do NOT like the odor. If you have the option to control it, don't shove it down their throat, it will bite you back

. Hell I have a big ass HEPA air cleaner in my bedroom with 25lbs of activated charcoal in it, just to handle those times I do vape flower, plus for those concentrates that are more aromatic than others
If the place was bigger I'd try and put in a grow tent... perhaps a future domicile.
Optimally a small blackout greenhouse, yes, sealed, air handling and odor control
chemo-brain, writing stream of consciousness... these other industries mentioned were well established and had clout, we are neither yet (really). 45 is bipolar when it comes to Cannabis, Keebler Elf notwithstanding... so we never know what the hell he may do.
crossing my fingers and planning for the day that it is legal across the country, there is interstate and international trade in it and hemp commodities as well... INSURANCE PAYS FOR IT, etc.
I know it's an utterly rational view, but I can have my small delusions can't I?

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