Okay good folks, had some time to think now and I believe I have figured it out and seen the obvious:
I just could not get my head around this strange emphasis on how Skunk is so bad, the Demon, the REAL problem with weed. Or the "actual" problem after all, not the less potent strains of the past before stupid man's meddling.
They kept on emphasising it. How Skunk should be class A etc. For the life of me I just could not see how they could possibly expect to differentiate between different strains and levels of potency so that some are legal and some are not, possibly due to be even more illegal than they are now.
But now I know what they are up to with this odd rhetoric. Plain and simple- they are in a panic now about their image and credibility. The government's of the world are becoming seriously worried about losing their credibility with the naive and dumb people who do still trust them.
I mean it's obvious really they have been telling us since ever that cannabis is a dreadfully bad thing locking us up and destroying lives over it.
They have dug there heels hard into the mud in recent years in stern opposition to Global legalising trends. And now suddenly they are going to completely reverse that telling us this is the best thing for our health and the future of our country financially and how they will now make loads of money from it and it will solve lots of our problems.
Ahem...Mixed messages? Contradictions? Incongruities?
So their ploy is clear, and this was stage 1 propaganda to minimise damage to their image. So they are like liers caught out, coming up with a pathetic cock and bull story that doesn't add up, and has no longevity.
They will now make out-

"We WERE right to criminalise cannabis. It IS a harmful drug. There is evidence of this.
But what we didn't understand and which we have only just now come to realise is that not all cannabis strains are equal in terms of how harmful or beneficial they are.
And now we have discovered that it is the more modern higher potency skunk variety which is responsible for the undisputed damaged cannabis wreaks on people and lives.
You can still trust us and everything we tell you that you can and cannot do and what is good and bad for your health we want the best for you we just made an honest mistake here. We are not hypocrites and Liars who are simply protecting our own interests."
I hope you catch my drift. I am pretty certain this is excatly what it is all about, demonising skunk etc.
What do you guys think? Love to hear some thoughts on this. This is BIG. Its finally going to happen. Im not getting excited or taking anything for granted. Just hoping for the best outcome. Moving in the right direction though at last.