Cannabis and pregnancy


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know what the deal is with this?

There is not much info on this topic, and what info there is, it doesn't really give any facts or details to back up what it's basically saying........'drugs are bad'

In my personal experience, i know a couple who smoked heavily with all of thier 4 kids, oldest 10, youngest 1 year. They didn't stop or slow down at all and they have turned out fine, no probs, healthy kids.

Now smoking cant be good!

But what about vaping..............???


vapor accessory addict
I am only posting from experience, not from a professional standpoint, but I smoked during both of my pregnancies. I've got to believe vaping would be healthier. Both of my children are fine, healthy and successful. Now, I'm not advocating that you should, but....

My son had some minor learning problems in school; probably due more to the tequila I was ingesting before knowing I was pregnant. Or it might have been the roller coaster rides..... They tried so hard to get him labeled ADD in school. Turned out he had a really high IQ and was probably bored and tuned out. He is a born salesman though. I've often said that he has sold me my own skin more than once and I have paid top dollar for it every time.

My daughter, however, was/is a straight A student, who taught herself algebra and is going to Duke for her grad studies after a double major in undergrad at a very difficult school. So it certainly didn't have a negative effect on her either.

Just my :2c:


Well-Known Member
My wife is 10 weeks and vapes one to three PD hits a day- huge relief for nausea. IANAD, but was the same for our our first, and he's 3, charming, rambunctious, crafty, and a huge flirt. When I did research the first time around, the worst I could find was 'we can't prove it's bad -yet- but we're trying.'


Well-Known Member
Smoking causes problems from oxygen deprivation. Vaping doesn't have that problem. I've never heard of a reliable study with a different method of ingestion. But if something worth worrying about did happen I think /someone/ might have taken note by now. Especially considering there are places in the world without a taboo about pregnancy and pot. :2c:

I would keep it VERY on the DL though. You never know who might take an interest. I would think seriously before telling a doctor even. (I'm NOT advising that, just what I would do.) I can't find any info on laws, but supposedly if your doctor knows you use they can test the baby after birth or some nonsense. I hate to rely on rumor but until I find out for sure I'm being careful. All it takes is one nosy person to cause problems.
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