So, girls night making candies was a blast even though one of the girls had to drop out at the last minute. I was a bit worried that that would affect our potency. not a problem.
yeah, the batch of Hot cinnamon had 15 g of abv, a gram or two of fresh, both tinctured and reduced, added to the microwave candy recipe with 1 dram lorrann cinnamon oil (twice the recommended amount, actually) silver dust and red powdered food coloring. very pretty. and very tasty. and very

My goal was to make a dose 2-6 candies, just because all parties involved in the joint effort have wildly different tolerance levels. I got as close as i could given the fact that the molds did not work out.
Since we took too long to pour in the tincture, we had to hurry up and get it onto silpat, there was no way we could have filled all those little gems before it hardened. As it was, we must have had at least 3/4 cup that remained in the measuring cup. I added some boiling water to this to dissolve it and ended up with a very sweet and cinnamony (and shimmery) liquid. added the shot or so of grain alcohol that i was using to get the last traces of stuff off the bowl we used to evap the tinctures down. Ended up with about 1.5 cups of this stuff. This is some POTENT stuff and it is QUICK too, tastes kinda like a less harsh goldschlager. I estimate that a generous shot = one candy. I had three shots last night and it kicked in in maybe 15 minutes. also had one candy that escaped the bag as we were packaging a few hours earlier and some of the stuff that i chipped off the outside of the measuring cup (waste not want not

). i estimate maybe five candies total over the course of 1.5 hours or so.

i mean really, it was perfect.

best ones yet, less stoney than the first batch, not chewy like the second batch. very tasty, and just right effect wise. slept like a frickin baby last night. not feeling it this morning like with the brownies.
Thanks to the input of the FC Candy crew, it only took me three batches to get it right!! So THANKS ALL! i'm sure that goes for my girlfriend and her (apparently *very happy* husband

) as well.
I am either getting a candy funnel or a breakaway mold for next time, but other than that I feel like i've nailed it!
*edit* just dumped two shots of that cinnamony liquid in a cup of apple cider and it is *AWESOME* both in taste and effect. and super quick too, i can't get over how fast it hit me. so pleasant. gonna go pull a 375 on the ion to round it out.
looks like cleaning up the garden for the fall will be very very fun today