Well-Known Member
I doubt there really is a shortage. I truly feel they are claiming there is a shortage to drive prices up. Kinda like diamonds or oil lol
I truly feel they are claiming there is a shortage to drive prices up.
Especially with 10$+ grams legally... Screw that crap....considering you can buy a pound for $1000 of mid quality i'd say yes... tbh all the greenhouses around me cant get rid of their supply fast enough
...which you'd think if the gooberment was gonna do it right they would TRY to eliminate the black market and not drive people towards it...
Ahh the rock... a special place in me heart.I entered Canada at St. Stephen, NB by car, on my way to the Newfoundland ferry for the overnight crossing. I own a home in Newfoundand and go back and forth typically twice a year, almost always by car/pick-up truck. I brought three cleaned vapes across the border and was thanking the Lord that I didn't get searched, cause I don't know what they'd do. [Crafty with dosing caps, Fury 2 with caps, and Stardustsailor VapCap!] I left a stash between St. Stephen and St John, but it was buried in deep snow and I couldn't find it. I stopped in Sussex for a Subway sandwich, and couldn't believe my luck when I spotted the brand new Cannabis NB store on the other side of the parking lot. Lots of security and two budtenders and glass cases filled with retail containers.The stuff is all highly packaged and not directly visible for inspection, but has lab tested THC and CDB percentages printed on the package. I purchased 3.5 grms of Tweed Sunset fro $53CN and 3.5gms of Edison La Strada for $47CN. Paid cash so that I wouldn't have it on my credit card.
I really liked knowing the THC and CBD contents, but was appalled at how much child-proof retail packaging there is for each 3.5gms. The containers are hard plastic and big enough to hold a half oz or more. This is also significantly more expensive than my prior blackmarket purchases.
The material, dried flower, is much drier than I like. I suppose that that makes it easier to have exact weights and known THC contents. Fortunately I brought Boveda packs with me, which I couldn't get delivered to my remote place here the last time I visited.
I'm now up at my quite remote place on the Strait of Belle Isle, and have more than sampled both strains. Plus I have four other strains, two of which I carried across the border the last time I came up and two that I bought by looking on line at WeedMaps for the nearest city--300 miles away from here, which I needed to go to anyway.
I like legalization! On the other hand, we just had a severe snowstorm that blew 130K/nearly 80MPH. Lost power and internet for one day and four days respectively. On the worst day it was too scary to get stoned--which is saying something for me!
I finally got around to making a connection with my new dealer the government here in Ontario. I wanted to get a high CBD strain and the selection was not so great. I wound up ordering something called Yin & Yang, which they call a "nearly" 1:1 indica-dominant hybrid. For the record, it's listed at 6-10% THC and 9-13% CBD. I chose this strain because it also has a nice terpene profile (more on this later). When I ordered they only had 1 g pre-rolls, so I got three. I placed the order Thursday evening and my new pusher the postman delivered the package this morning (Monday). If they're looking for a way to bring the prices down to black market levels, this pic might provide a hint:
This is Amazon-level over-packaging.![]()
The joint itself doesn't look machine-rolled. I have a mental image of dozens of workers sitting in a clean room wearing hairnets and hazmat jumpers, diligently hand-rolling these one gram doobies. Real life has turned out to be way weirder than I ever dreamed.
Naturally I had no intentions of lighting that thing. This is what it looked like out of the paper:
It was pretty dry and finely ground. It was dry but sticky enough to hold the rolled shape until I broke it up. There was no hint of any stems. It's not easy to tell much even with a magnifying glass because of the rolling process. You can see some trichomes and it looks to me like it's mostly bud, but the bottom line is that I think rolling it definitely degrades it somewhat as a vaping product. I would order a pre-roll only if there was no other packaging available, as in this case.![]()
Despite the complaints I've heard about OCS shipping underweight product, this one weighed in at a nice 1.08 g. (I haven't checked the other two yet.) For me that is one extra load, since I tend to use .07 g as a standard.
Now, about that terpene profile. I was disappointed by the nose. It was not particularly fragrant, but that wasn't surprising once I saw how dry it was. The taste is quite nice but not strong. I was hoping for something more flavourful, but I can live with this. The effects are exactly what I wanted. I get a nice fairly light head stone and a great body stone that really takes care of my backache. This is one of their cheapest strains, and for me it's great value. I'll probably get more if they still list it when I run low—just not in a pre-roll.
I received some Ease recently, and can attest that it is very good. Excellent flavour, and mild (sativa) high.
I'm very into high CBD strains, so I've compiled a list of OCS strains high in CBD. I've arranged them by price, from low to high, and provided the price per 3.5 grams (subject to change, of course):
And here's a thread which gives the traditional names for LP cannabis strains in Canada (along with the new re-names of these strains):
- Yin & Yang (THC 6-10% CBD 9-13) $26.45
- Balanced (THC 2-10% CBD 4-8%) $28.35
- Balance (THC 4-8% CBD 8-13%) $31.70
- CBD Shark Shock (THC 2-5% CBD 6-9%) $32.40
- Ease (THC 6-11% CBD 8-12%) $32.40
- Palm Tree CBD (THC 4-13% CBD 6-12%) $39.40
- Napali CBD (THC 4-8% CBD 8-12%) $41.25
- Harmonic (THC 8-10% CBD 7-11%) $46.10
- Campfire (THC 3.6-4.6% CBD 5-8%) $46.10
. . . I was thinking about the tokoyo smoke ease but didn’t know how the sativa would treat me.
Why is Pink Kush such a big deal in Canada?
Grown and produced right across the country, this well-known strain is a huge hit in Canada and the second-most searched for strain among Canadian readers, right after Blue Dream. But surprisingly, the Pink Kush love isn’t felt as strongly in the US, where its search popularity sinks into the hundreds.