Yeah... don't do that.
Instead look up QWISO methods, I think that'd be your safest bet.
With QWISO, and I don't know specifics, you use Isopropyl (fancy word for rubbing alcohol) to extract oils from herb. It can yield very good results if you're careful and is infinitely safer than trying to smoke cooking oil.
When cannabis and cooking oil meet, it's usually to bond thc to a fat/lipid for digestion. With QWISO, wax, etc. the general idea is always to get the thc, cbd, and cannabinoid by itself, no fats/lipids, and ideally, no other solvent.
If you get 99% alcohol, some cheese cloth, and a nice big plate to spread the surface area when you're evaporating, you can probably accomplish a QWISO run with about the same effort as trying to saute your bud.