Can decarboxylated "fresh" weed get more potency as it ages?


New Member
Hey ladies and gentlemen. I bought an oz last Thursday and I was given some uncure buds. It wasn't that fresh but it looks like the buds could take another week or 2 till they're good to go.

So I'm doing the open jar method every 12 hours and leave the jar open for 2 hours. But till this weed fully cures, I am going to be vaporizing some of it because its still getting me high, it just taste like shit.

I was wondering if the uncure bud I'm vaporizing now will still "cure" or get more potent as it ages?

Snake Plissken

A proper cure will help turn some non-psychoactive cannabinoids into psychoactive ones, but ime the difference is minimal. It is pretty tough to 'restart' a cure and affect the taste too much. The most I would hope for is that it would become smoother.


Well-Known Member
Yes, it will get more potent (active agents/weight) as it 'cures,' if only from evaporation of more water and some of the more volatile (lower vaporization temp.) aromatics.


Salutations Newb,

In reaction to your title, such juxtaposition (decarboxylated/fresh) seems like a contradiction in terms. Yet, in the present case i'd probably suggest leaving it aside in a dark dry spot for 3 days before you perform any "sampling".


C No Ego

Well-Known Member
if you can get those sugars to ferment then it will be cured. if you get the pukey smell or even the cat piss smell then it has happened :)
C No Ego,
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