Could you describe what the inconsistency is with the v3 pro?
Do you vape the whole .025 in one go, or break it up into smaller hits?
Do you use dosing caps?
What temperature settings do you use? (The newer generation of V3 Pro that I currently use runs hotter, so I'm using 370-375F for high temp hits.)
I understand the desire to get a different vaporizer, but believe the V3 Pro is actually a great choice for your needs. I don't have full hearing loss, but like it's visual and tactile indicators when I don't want to take off my headphones or are in loud areas. Personally, it's consistent results are one of it's strong suits that make me reach for it when I'm only interested in medication and not ritual or messing around.
That said, I use dosing caps exclusively. This gives the following benefits:
-Adds Conduction heating to the Convection heating via heat collected in the metal pod. This hybrid heating helps wring the effects out of the material, particularly with something like CBD that likes higher temps. A lot of totally pure convection vaporizers give hit or miss results for me that adding a bit of hybrid heating fixes.
-Gives a "bottleneck" for the heat via the controlled and smaller inlet/outlet screens in the dosing pod. .025 is just a very small amount of ground herb. In convection vaporizers I run into issues with the hot air flowing past the herb, giving hotter hits with inconsistent effects. The Vaporgenie Bat mod I created utilizes something similar by relocating the "oven"into the the connecting collar.
-Decreased oven size. By placing this small amount into a small dosing cap where it has nowhere to go and less volume overall, I see a more compete extraction off of less material.
I'll dust off my old microdosing scale tonight and load up some dosing caps with exactly .025 and see how that treats me, to ensure the above advice is correct.
Welp, my microdosing scale was dead dead dead. We thank it for it's long service given how cheap it was. I've put it into the "resurrect somehow" pile with my electronics projects.
That said, I put a very tiny amount into dosing capsules, like barely enough to cover the screen on the bottom. Something like I'd think you'd be loading. Like you, it's inconsistent vapor or, more likely, just so little vapor from so little amount that you feel like you aren't getting anything.
Sage advice.
OP, I loaded 0.02 grams in a POTV Lobo capsule and got a nice extraction. This was 430° F through a stem, I usually use it at home with a dry water piece, and it was a little hot, but part of the process is figuring out what works best for each situation.
Forgot to take a photo when it was loaded in the capsule, but it's really a tiny amount.
You had the right idea of it by bumping up the temps. At my normal temps, it too much air passed by the herb to properly heat it.