Can’t post to classifieds?


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Hi! Welcome! Classifieds has the following requirement to post:

"You must be an actively contributing member with at least 60 days membership, 50 posts, and 25 "likes" received to create a thread in the Classifieds."

But you just have this one post!



Well-Known Member
This isn't a marketplace, it's an enthusiast site; and is run as such. The classifieds are for fellow enthusiasts to connect.

Back-to-back posts are also frowned upon.

Also read the Sales thread where the rules for selling are explained (including the post count requirement).

I was trying to get enough posts to be able to list! Damned if I do, damned if I don’t! 😊


Well-Known Member
I just "liked" you three times, you'll get there. This barrier helps to keep out casual scammers, that works for your benefit too. Go into a thread about a vape you are interested in and make a comment, you can even blatantly ask for likes, no one will mind.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Well. Ya. I don’t come here much
I was trying to get enough posts to be able to list! Damned if I do, damned if I don’t! 😊

Exactly, classifieds are for active members, not just coming here, but posting, engaging with others, direct or in posts, with likes getting likes etc... Just trying to post back to back in your own thread to reach the quota, seems like it would take longer, aside from just not being as nice lol build that rep! :tup:


Land of the long vapor cloud
Welcome to the forums @jamesbialek
There are plenty of different threads you can contribute to as a member here on FC.

Here are a couple that are more lighthearted and approachable.

Just remember to be aware of the forum rules, so you don't draw the unwanted attention of our amazing moderators. :spliff:
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