Figured this didn't really fit in the suggestion box or Vrip wand thread so made a new one. More deep thoughts from Mark at Vriptech.

I love your forum and believe it is providing a valuable service to the culture. I do have a recommendation though: Add a section (should be required reading for members) on how to intelligently evaluate the quality of the vapor itself that differentiates between what is method and process/vaporizer based and what is quality of medicine based. That is introduce intelligent criteria to evaluate vapor as a divergence from the common hyperbole i.e.: 1. flavor, 2. purity (clean or smoky), 3. density (full body but still clean???), 4. breadth of spectrum delivered per inhalation (flavor first, actives with some flavor, actives with dry flavor---the transition between these qualities pull to pull), 5. Thermal and Humidity value, inhaled as dry and warm, dry and cool, moisture conditioned, ice cooled, etc. In my opinion there is so much emphasis on the equipment and the method and process that most people are losing sight of the objective: the VAPOR ITSELF! When assessing a "vaporizer" there should be a focus on the "vapor" that often seems neglected in my opinion.
Just some thoughts...I will stay posted...will look forward to seeing what the boards think about the wand.