Button stopped working?

Just me

New Member
Hello there...I am wondering if anyone else has problems with the Yocan Evolve Plus XL's button? I bought one in Feb not knowing a friend also bought me one so I have 2 from the same time frame. One was bought online on their website & the other at a store but both are having issues with the button & getting it to work. One of them got like stuck flat against it so I no longer could push it in so I tried with a needle or paperclip to kinda pop it up but instead it's pushed totally in. We are not huge smokers so I don't see over use causing it. I look around to see if anyone else has this issue but it's more about the battery life..
Thank you!!
Just me,


Well-Known Member
I haven't heard of that specific problem but Yocan has a mixed reputation for reliability. Some of their cart batteries are considered quite good but the bigger dab and dry flower vapes are not good at all. It sounds like you are pushing the button in too hard and it is getting physically jammed. I've seen things like that popped out with a pin, like you tried.
Sorry, not much help.

Just me

New Member
Hey thank you for replying. I can push the buttons in & out they just don't work as far as letting me smoke out of it. I literally have 3 1 from 9 months ago & 2 from Feb that stopped taking a charge or take a charge but can't get the button to light up so I can smoke.
Just me,


New Member
Hello there...I am wondering if anyone else has problems with the Yocan Evolve Plus XL's button? I bought one in Feb not knowing a friend also bought me one so I have 2 from the same time frame. One was bought online on their website & the other at a store but both are having issues with the button & getting it to work. One of them got like stuck flat against it so I no longer could push it in so I tried with a needle or paperclip to kinda pop it up but instead it's pushed totally in. We are not huge smokers so I don't see over use causing it. I look around to see if anyone else has this issue but it's more about the battery life..
Thank you!!
Same here, 1st one battery failed. 2nd one the button broke. Like it is pushed in deeper. I can still use it but very tricky to get the multiple pushes to turn on/off. I'll admit it was loose in a bag with wax jars but still... I'm looking for a replacement. Might try a dr dabber stella.
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