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Naruto Fan
Letters to the President, or your local elected officials

topics of importance
different ways of looking at things


Naruto Fan
no topic for Wisconsin exists on the President's contact form, so I chose Economy:

Dear Mr. President:
It is obvious in Wisconsin they are not following the mandate of the people.
Republican leaders who did not follow procedure should be held accountable, a special inquiry should be set up by the White House to make sure they are following the law, and prosecuting those who did not.
At the very least the president should be there now. As he promised. It will not re-energize the opposition.
And, please take away the megaphone from the rich, Like Ruppert Murdock, by making a news show for American's that has to be shown on each tv station as a public service.


Well-Known Member
VW, elections have consequences. They (WI) voted those guys in. Now, some of them are seeing that they should have paid more attention. People are waking up. Let's hope they stay awake. No, let's work to keep them awake.

I think you're going too far with the state-run-news thing. Remember, someday folks you don't agree with will one day be in charge of it. Instead there should be standards and practices for organizations calling themselves "news."


Naruto Fan
i thought it was very interesting when Democracy Now spot-lited Hillary Clinton's recommendations about funding a news show for the rest of the world, and the show's guest suggested it would be better to put something together here, and let it be a beacon to the World (but it would have to have one standard of justice, be as hard on the US as it is on others)
The guest said they used to do some really good journalism on the "propoganda" stations we funded before the end of the cold war.
i was especially shocked that we currently spend more on international programming than on PBS/NPR.

with the vote in Wisconsin stripping worker's rights yesterday, Michael Moore says "this is our moment, up off the couch," now, each of us should do something if we can

Naomi Campbell said this is a corporate coup d'etat, a frontal assault on democracy, and that was before they rammed through the "new bill" stripped of it's financial provisions, just proving that the real issue wasn't saving money at all.

How far do they need to get before we stand up like they did in Egypt? The rest of the world is waiting for us to do exactly that, I believe. Someone said, "the world is waiting to see how much the American's will take of this." The rest of the world gets to hear more about our news than the average TV viewer here. That's what Hillary Clinton was talking about when she said that Al Jazeera English viewership is rising here, because it's real news, not arguing talking heads, which dont inform anyone.
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