Got my tanks and terps in on Friday and played around...
The tank has lots of potential. I like it once I got it filled. I REALLY hope the XL has a bigger opening. These will never catch on if they don't get easier to fill. The glass syringe they give you is too big for the opening. They should have given us needles, I don't know how you guys have the patience to put up with these.

Once I got it full hours later the actual cart works REALLY great and didn't give me a bad taste EVER. So I see the potential of these and think the future of refillable carts looks and tastes great!
The terps are great as we all know. I had to use more than expected to make a sauce but it's whatever, now I got a cart with something tasty.
Moving forward I have to work on my sauce tek and source cheaper terps. Denver Terps has never gotten back to me after I placed an order. Where else are you guys getting your terps that are actually GOOD?
I also got some of the Terp your money

Really disappointing. I've made tastier water out of stems and shake. I used 4 whole droppers in glass of water and barely noticed it.
Terps are great but I see this new industry much like the CBD industry. Full of products no one needs.