but have you tried it?If you put pot in a little Chinese washing machine, it will be a giant mess.
ah thanks for the pic!A tiny bit of plant matter will plug it - like a leaking zipper.
The washer with the spinner has a valve on the drain.
There is a plunger on it and it does not open far.
This may work on machines with just the washer - I don't use those.
Pic of valve
My little cheapo does not have a valve or anything. Just a hose to drain it. The holes the water passes through to drain are pretty big (probably 1/4" or so) and the hose is 1/2".
That's why I use my work bag AFTER the drain.
I really like your method and your washing machines way better, However, I only make bubble hash about once a year so I'm not sure it's worth upgrading. Your machine appears to have a real drum inside so the work bag probably sits right against it and goes around with the tub. My cheapo is just a bucket with an agitator and then it drains. LOL
This is not my exact model but it is similar (no spin)
How much do one of your washing machines with spin cost?
I am making some bubble this weekend and then making beer so I will have plenty of questions for you (if you don't mind). Put on your 'tolerance' cap because I am pretty fucking stupid and it is very slightly possible that my questions might invoke just a tiny itty bit of anger and/or frustration. So many of my posts seem to do that. LOL
Thanks again for all the input.
the model he uses is ~$90 on amazon, yours is ~$55, the info about yours and the lack of valve is a great datapoint, thanks
This model comes with a spin basket insert, did yours? it looks very similar. https://www.amazon.com/COSTWAY-Wash...id=1538154137&sr=8-5&keywords=mini+spin+dryer
I may just get 2 of these instead of a wash/spin combo unit like OP with the advantages over the combo unit being no valve and redundancy in case one of them breaks mid wash
Does it really spin the weed clean? Or, do you still have to squeeze the water out of the load before you toss it?
Thanks again.
frenchie says you get a better separation of heads without the bag in his videos but you certainly are making a case to use one too.I still have my single washer, we just don't use it.
In one minute the spinner will drain the bag dry.
You can see the water coming out of the bag and then it stops.
You can also see dark water shooting out of the drain.
Why no love for the work bag? We wash a 1/2 P twice w no mess.
I can't imagine cleaning up 3 machines 30 times a day doing 30 P !