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Well-Known Member
Anyone else get bronchitis from too much vaping?

I spent a whole afternoon hittin the extreme wit mi bredrin and now I'm coughin up a lung.

Mind you my lungs have never been great to begin with

Apparently cannabinoids paralyse the cilia which are responsible for mucous movement

If this is the case vaping wouldn't eliminate this problem correct?

If anyone could enlighten me on this topic it would be greatly appreciated...

Respect, Ras

Acolyte of Zinglon

afaik its not the cannabinoids that paralyse the cilia, its smoke in general, whether tobacco or cannabis
Acolyte of Zinglon,


Out to lunch
All I can advise is to take it easy. I had bad asthmatic bronchitis when I was a kid, and that may be why I got to the point where I couldn't take smoke anymore. Using the PD doesn't bother me, but when I use the SSV a lot my lungs protest a little, although I don't cough.


Escape Artist
rastaman said:
If anyone could enlighten me on this topic it would be greatly appreciated...
Well I'll start off by saying everyone is different and past medical history certainly plays a part in all of this. That being said if you have lung irritation from vaping I greatly recommend putting the vapor through a bong , with water and/or with ice. It'll cool it down to the point where you shouldn't cough at all. There's a couple threads on the board that discuss how to do this. I highly recommend it.


Well-Known Member
yeah dude im the same way ive had it come back 2 times in the last 4 months


Well-Known Member
Ok I've researched bronchitis a lot the last few days and I'm starting to think the ganja may be playing little to no part in it

1. I burn nag champa incense everytime I vape to hide the a small basement room with no circulation...the stuff FILLS the room with dust

2. I live near the great lakes...if anyone else on here does as well you know the crazy weather fluctuations we've been having lately

3. Recently just quit cigs...had a few the day before I got sick...and I've been hitting the shisha frequently with my arabic friends to compensate for the nicotine withdrawls...yea its much better but STILL TOBACCO

4. My bro had strep throat last week...I know I don't have that but bugs weaken the system regardless...

My symptoms got much better overnight and I've laid off the sensi the last 48hrs..I'm gonna try two extreme bags of kush tonight and if it doesn't worsen my condition we can rule out the trees as the cause...

Thanks for all the input, Ras


Well-Known Member
And............................feel fantastic today. I actually had a much better sleep as well.

I still think plant particulate played a small part so I'm gonna grab a bong today I think.

Bless the herb!!!
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