As I've said before, Boundless (I hope) has an
SLA (its written in the contract) in place that migrate the cost from them to Smiss. This provides Smiss with a "intensive" to provide products that meet the clients standards and needs.
For example (
and I do not know the level of SLA!!! No one knows the term of the contract!) the SLA for something like this COULD be;
In the event of a defective shipment (above the agreed upon ratio. ALL products have the potential for defects. It happens, NOTHING is perfect.), Smiss will absorb ALL costs, and provide a discounted rate on the next shipment or whatever. This helps shift the "pressure" from Boundless to Smiss to make sure they provide a good product and service
I don't believe there is an international law or anything, and the Chinese government are kinda known for not really caring about Western Laws / civil matters anyway, so you'd never win in court (why counterfeits are easy to come by in China), but it helps if things like these are already pre-agreed by the two parties, as you have something to refer back to and say "well, you did agree to it".
I am NOT trying to shift the blame to Smiss, shit happens, but releasing a new product around CNY has never been a good idea, no matter what business your in.
Some say that's just bullshit (like the Monday / Friday car, which are mostly machine automated anyway), but you've most likely never had to do Business in China. Most Western Company's write off December (Western Holidays) til March (Chinese Holidays) for this very reason... Most places in the West are closed two days a year (Christmas and New Years Day). It's pretty much the same in China, but they get around 2 weeks off (yanno, because they work hard and long hours the rest of the year!) in February.
It's not like Boundless keeps making the
same mistakes. I hope they learn for this (and maybe move their product release dates), because as people have said (when they've got a good one), the Tera is a good vape, at a good price. They know what they (and we) want in a vape, they're just learning what it's like to work with an Eastern company (or any company that produces something for you to sell). It's not easy.
I do kinda of think this may be getting a bit off topic now. All we are doing is assuming (which is never good). All we can do is wait and see what comes next (which is hopefully a fix, and a release, and we'll all be happy Boundless users again
