That report is near 10 years old and looked like it was done in a shed, done by Germans for Germans (remember the latest VW emissions scandal?) if I go back far enough I could find reports that say smoking is healthy, I just can`t understand how a lot of people screamed blue murder when Boundless said it`s Tera would have aluminium in it, enough for Boundless to change to stainless steel but then I see comments like yours backing aluminium in the S&B products as fine. Same with their dosing pads, if S&B fine, people were worried that HR would use aluminium in their caps, would have been cheaper, but HR went with stainless steel.
Science doesn't change. If it was a good study, the results will be solid 1,000 years from now.
What has being German got to do with things? You saying all Germans are liars and cheaters? Don't disregard a study simply because you don't like where the person was born.
I'm sure if you did go back far enough, you could find study that said smoking is healthy, but we don't live in that time anymore. Peer review is a thing, and most country's have disclosure laws to stop that "smoking is healthy" thing for happening again.
Aluminium, PTFE, etc is safe, when used correctly. Water is safe when used correctly...
Unless you make a vape out of
only glass and SS, there will always be issue with building materials that are used incorrectly, which is why you get things medically approved.
This is going pretty off topic though

I'm still thinking about this vape. I love my M, but it's not a good look for out and about

. The Tera with some capsules seem workable.