Boiled The Oil?


Combustion Hater
Hi everyone, first post here. Let me say I have been enjoying this forum for a while, and recently decided to sign up.

I decided to cook my vaped weed into brownies, since my parents were out of the house for a day. I took my 10 grams of vaped weed I have been saving over the summer, and threw it in some oil in a pan, which apparently was too high a temperature at the time because the weed immediantly started smoking from the pan right once it hit the oil. The entire kitchen and family room started getting smoked out and it quickly became very hard to see across the room. I aired out the rooms and still am doing so.

I was wondering could boiling and burning the oil could fuck up the absorbtion of the cannabinoids at all. Is it possible that could have happened?


Well-Known Member
yea man, you could have fried it, lol

You want to add the ABV to the oil while it is cool and preferably heat it in a double boiler on low heat


I find the best way to do it is with a oil/candy thermometer, like this kind which I use:


If you're armed with one of these, you then get a small pan, or even something narrower like a heavy glass jar (as long as the thermometer can be attached). The oil needs to be deep enough for the thermometer take a good reading (maybe 3cm/1" at least). Heat the oil to 120C/250F and dump your weed in, and hold it there for half an hour, maybe an hour if you like, and then take it off the heat and let it cool. This temperature is too high for a double-boiler, and it means you won't have to boil it for hours and hours (or overnight), but without the thermometer you risk burning your oil (though that doesn't usually happen till you're closer to 200C/400F).


Lost in Thought
While it is possible, its also possible that you didnt mess it up beyond usage.

Id say still use it but dont base its effects on this small mistake. Just take it as a lesson learned and what to do differently next time :)

FWIW - I dont 'cook' my oil anymore. I just combine my duff and oil in a container with a pinch of sea salt and a pinch of vinegar. Let it sit in a cool dark place for a few days then use it in the mix.

It works wonders.


Combustion Hater
Okay thanks for the replies, it turns out I think I did fry the cannabinoids out of the brownies, as when I ate them, I didnt feel much different from hitting the vape (was vaping while eating my brownies). I felt a little more tired, but that was probably from being hyped up on caffeine earlier that day.

So lesson learned: watch the temperature of your oil when you are trying to absorb the cannabinoids. Too high a temperature will likely destroy the ABV contents.
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