Black Phlem?


New Member
Hey everyone, I bought a vaporizer bowl at my local head shop I havn't smoked in about 4 weeks, and im starting to cough up a bit of black in my phlem... what is this? Is this because of the vaporization?


Well-Known Member
it can't be the concept of vaporization in itself.

It's either your vape ... what do you call a vape bowl ? what s the brand and model ? are you sure it's good and safe quality ?

Or it's because your lungs have begin the process of cleaning thx to no more combustion...
you may even spit little amount of blood, it's quite common when a smoker stops to smoke, and it s due to the fact that your throat stop being covered by a layer of crap and so becomes more irritable for a while. then it stops for good.
So maybe it's the same process w. the lungs. Not sure at all though. I m sure you ll get more answers by the morning PSTime.

As far as my xp goes I almost completely stopped to have Plegm since I started to vape only.


Serial vapist
What sort of vaporizer is it? I dont think that vaporization could cause you to have these symptoms, esp not if youre coming from smoking. Maybe if its not a quality vape thats made of some sort of hazardous material or something, but its likely you would have smelled tasted it by now if it was bad enough to cause this.

I think a doctor once told me that, after you quit smoking, things will get worse before they get better, as far as coughing stuff up. It's just your lungs trying to work out all that gunk (for lack of a better term) that has accumulated in them over your period of smoking.

A lot of ppl who have recently switched to vaping only have started threads here asking similar questions. They all basically are worried that its not going to improve at all because they havent noticed an improvement after a couple weeks. Give it a few months, it takes time.

... although if the stuff you're coughing up is actually BLACK, then you might want to show or at least call up your doctor. What i coughed up during and shortly after the time when i was smoking was more brownish/green. Black could indicate something more serious than just the normal smokers lung recovery symptoms, like coagulated blood or something. Could be nothing serious, but its best to err on the side of caution, yeah?


Well-Known Member
it's normal - i spit out black stuff like crazy while i was on a smoke break the past 2 weeks. now that i've started again, it has diminished - which makes me believe what the previous poster said about your lungs clearing out gunk.


Well-Known Member
I'd go see a doctor and be honest about smoking/vaporizing herb you won't get into trouble.

I've never coughed up black phlem and I used to smoke 420, cigarettes, and puff on cigars.

I was also into doing cardio exercises when I was a smoker and still am to this day so maybe that has something to do with never coughing up black phlem?

the ob

all good in the hood.
you really should go see a doctor about this kind of thing.
the ob,


Well-Known Member
combusche said:
it's normal - .....
It is? I used to smoke 3 packs of cigs a day for over 15 years. Fucking chain smoker. I'd have one lit in my mouth with the butt of another still burning in the ashtray.

I quit, cold turkey, over 35 years ago and never once coughed up black phlegm. If I ever did, I think I'd freak and run to the nearest emergency room. :uhoh:

But yeah, I'd go see a doc. I don't think it's normal at all.


Well-Known Member
it's normal for pot smokers - google terms like "" and you'll see many other pot smokers having the same problem. i've only been smoking both ciggs and pot for 2 years, before that i was clean as a whistle. as far as i can tell, the blackness directly correlates to how much i smoke - i.e if i smoke alot the night before, the next morning's phlegm will be extra black.

it's also weird that if i stop smoking, it tends to get "worse" - in inverted commas because i believe it means the lungs are at work clearing the stuff out instead of letting it sit in the lungs, so it's better, not worse.

i freaked out too the first few times, but after finding out many other pot smokers have the same problem, i thought it wasn't such a big deal. as far as i can tell, it doesn't look any different than the black sticky stuff that sticks to bongs.

still - i'm not a doctor so if you feel like going to a doctor would make you feel more at ease, by all means.


Well-Known Member
You shouldn't be coughing up anything black and have that be 'normal'.

Brown or Black phlegm typically represents a bronchial infection or injury of some kind. Dark black may be coagulated blood and should be checked with a doctor immediately if you're having chest / lung pains.

It wouldn't hurt to check with a doctor. That is what they're there for.


Well-Known Member;article=13310;

Why marijuana smokers cough up black phlegm and cigarette smokers do not:

The main thing going on here is the difference between bronchial dilators and constrictors. Tobacco is a bronchial constrictor whereas Cannabis is a bronchial dilator; this means smoking tobacco will tighten and close the pathways in your lungs where Cannabis will open them up. Nicotine constricts terminal bronchioles in lungs, which keeps tars trapped in the tissue. Its there these chemicals do their worst. THC and the chemicals associated with MJ are dilators. This allows the particulate matter (black mucus) etc., to be expelled, thereby eliminating their effects "on contact" with lung tissue. Anytime you smoke youre going to have a presence of mucus.

For me MJ has a slight allergic reaction just like my everyday allergies. However it is this very bodily reaction that protects us from long term contacts with allergens, by allowing "matter" to be trapped and expelled. So, the "Black Phlegm" is a good thing.


Well-Known Member
gim said:
You shouldn't be coughing up anything black and have that be 'normal'.
think about this logically - smoking in itself is not something that's 'normal' for our lungs. when you introduce smoke into your lungs, it is inevitable some of the tars or chemicals will stay. if it does not come out, either it sticks in your lungs, or your body breaks it down, or it gets spit out.

which would you prefer?


Well-Known Member
Clear phlegm with black trails in it is normal. Black phlegm is not.


Well-Known Member
when there is a high concentration of the same black stuff, it may sometimes appear like 'black phlegm'. are you seriously switching to arguing semantics here?


hippie hausfrau
When I was combusting [herb] I coughed up black stuff all the time. Every morning, without fail. Looked and smelled exactly like bong resin. When I started vaping, it tapered off quickly and stopped altogether in about four weeks.

I used to be a heavy cigarette smoker, but stopped many years ago.


Well-Known Member
I get this too. I usually start coughing up tar whenever I'm smoking regularly, it's usually worst when I first get up in the morning. I know other people who get the same thing so it's pretty common but it won't happen to everybody. For example I was smoking pot as well as a half pack of cigarettes a day for seven years or so and then I quit cold turkey and at no point did I notice black phlegm.
It was only after I started to smoke again six months later that I first started to cough up black phlegm. I've mentioned it to my doctor in the past and told him about my smoking history and was told that I shouldn't worry about it too much, it's just my lungs cleaning themselves out and it can be many months after somebody stops smoking before it stops.
Over the last few years I've been smoking on and off, taking breaks of up to six months at times and I've learnt from experience that if I quit cold turkey it takes about ten to twelve weeks before I stop coughing up tar completely, although after six weeks most of it is gone and it becomes a relatively rare occurrence. It's been maybe six or seven weeks now since I switched to vaping and I've seen a huge reduction in the amount of crap I'm coughing up. It has really cleared up a lot in the last couple of weeks so it seems my lung recovery is going pretty much the same as it would if I were to just quit completely. Since I switched to vaping I've noticed that I tend to cough up black phlegm just after I've been vaping, I think this is due to the bronchodilator effect of cannabis. Another thing that seems to be good for cleaning the lungs (at least for my body anyway) is some good exercise, it seems that when I play basketball it really helps to clean the gunk out.
I think everyone's body is different when it comes to this sort of thing so it might take a long time for it to stop. There are many other people who have had this happen too, so don't get too worried. If you are concerned or feeling unwell then definitely go see your doctor to help put your mind at ease.
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