Black Leaf 10-Arm Saxo not hitting well with cloud


Well-Known Member
I bought a piece a while back for my cloud off of GC and it just isn't hitting well. I think this is because the joint on the piece is recessed a lot and not enough for the cloud to make an air-tight connection, I was thinking of just selling/trading it for an inline which I think would work better in theory but I'd rather savage this piece before going out of my way to get another. I had an idea of a carbon filter without carbon in it, or an adapter but I can't seem to find the adapter anywhere =/ any suggestions FC?



If you want a bubbler, just buy a pre-cooler with a mouthpeice connecter. The money you're going to save for the same diffusion is going to be worth having to trade it in and wait. Black Leaf mouthpeice+8 arm tree perc pre-cooler=$70. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
hey herb I have done that and I made one hell of a sick bub but I really want something with a base =/ but I really appreciate the insight it's a def way to make a sick piece for cheap

hey apri---jambandphan =P yea I think I might need an adapter, but honestly I might just try and sell it for like $100 and grab an inline or just save up for a mobius, I like the piece but i'm not sure if it's what I want, how much do you use yours?


in flavor country
I've been using it mostly as back up, when I traded the DG mini for the mobius, I bought it to tide me over, and I do use it once in a while, but it's sitting completely clean/empty right now. I am thinking about selling but haven't completely decided yet. I do like the way it diffuses. I am in no hurry to get rid of it, so I will probably hang onto it for a while longer.


in flavor country
I ended up selling it, mobius is an amazing piece for sure, but it was too short. My neck couldn't take the bending down, and I couldn't elevate it enough at my desk. I have the GBD FC bub in its place now. BL is also a good height, but not as elegant as the FC bub.


Well-Known Member
I think I'm just gonna get an inline, I love bubblers but I agree my neck is gonna become cranned >.<
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