Hey there, this is my first post here and I am new to the whole vaporizing scene. My buddy moved away to another country for school a couple weeks ago and he left me his MFLB (magic flight launch box, im sure you guys know what that is/have one yourselves. my limited time so far on this forum has made me believe these handy boxes are quite popular) which is great. So I've been hitting that pretty hard recently basically before I go to the gym and late at night when my parents are asleep. It has been super awesome being able to get high whenever I want but after using it for a bit I have some questions. The first being, how do you use this thing to get yourself really f'd up? I think I do a good job and I use the right batteries with good charge, but I never feel like I can get myself destroyed with the MFLB. Are there any techniques or tips that you experienced guys use to get ripped? because I feel like my tolerance isn't even that high, I'm just not doing something quite right. Also, how do you guys clean your MFLB's - like all parts of it? I didn't think I would use it enough to get to that stage but turns out i did
. The pipe is filled with resin and the actual bowl part itself could use a wash - is it possible to wash the actual wooden part with water? Anyways, sorry for quite the lengthy post but my buddy gave me the name of this forum if I had any questions and well.. here I am
. Anyways, all help would be appreciated, even if its just tips on vaping itself not having to do with the MFLB, im open to everything! Thanks guys