Yes Your my good friend @
I like the W9 TECH products.
The PERSEI is powerful and I want to forget I have a AUTOIMMUNE ILLNESS like ATAXIA. Medicating is awesome with cannabis.
WTF: Why is the medical field so lame?
I found cannabis to be 100% more effective than pharmaceutical.
The nation's top specialist don't know this?
Even the POT Guru's are a bit lame!
SCROG for a small medical grow?
SUPERCROPPING produces a pontent bummper crop.
Grow your own medicine and make and purge your on SHATTER:
Tomorrow I will put this new vacuum chamber into use.
ALLIEN KUSH converted into a SHATTER.
TRIPLE PURGING is my method.
$90 per gram at the dispensary.
FREE for the DIY person!
I do it for the control of my medicine!
It just so happens you have more medicine without touching the family budget!
It's easy to do.
My research comes from JERUSALEM (non bias).
Ten days in FRENCH POLYNESIA and my grow is fine.
I don't trust others with my medicine.
INDICA to couch lock and rest.
SATIVA to work on projects.
HYBRID to maintain.
I can invent cool things while medicated on this stuff!
Choose you strains to fit your life style!
Start with the OMICRON and get a KISS CART for it.
Get started then move up as you get comfortable!