Hi ya bud,
Have you ever tried full melt hash in a GrassHopper?
I know people have tried keif in the GrassHopper sandwiched between herb and have reported positive results.
Ive also seen people use rosin wrapped in cotton wool with great success.
Not had any full melt hash to try myself so just curious if you had.
Tried it but I do not like to vape high end concentrates mixed with herb as I find that most of the time, the herb is more than spent before the concentrate is and the over-cooked herb taste overwhelms the taste of the concentrate. This undoes the hard work I did isolating the resin in the first place! IMO, the point of full melt is that the end of the hit doesn't taste bad because there's no contaminant burning off by then
I do not use cotton at all in vapes and have not for a very long time. It adds a flavor/texture to the vapor that I prefer to avoid.
IMO, the hopper is not ideal for using SS pads, since the SS wire scratches the hell out of that deep bowl and makes it very hard to remove a gunky pad afterwards! I do not recommend the hopper for concentrates that are meltier than kief at this stage. No convection setup (even the evo with vapexnails), nor anything else I've tried compares in flavor and effect to the sapphire halo so far. The sapphire liger will likely be comparable or perhaps even better, I don't know but I'll find out soon!
My favourite way to use concentrates is to sandwich it between herb in a vape. It makes for some super dense clouds and prevents mucking up the vape.
I generally prefer to just vape straight concentrate in a purpose-made unit for super dense clouds and much better taste with high end concentrates
However, I should say that the method you describe is very useful for those who only have a flower vape around the house and have reclaim or less tasty extracts to use, since the flower will actually help to mask the slightly cooked taste of the reclaim

Back when I was in this usage scenario, the e-nano with flower topped with reclaim was a great way to medicate insomnia