Interesting thread for several reasons. I read the previous posts, thought I might could add something to consider.
I start each load with a terp (flavor bomb) at 110°C (230°F). Every convection device should start this low IMO. The boiling point of humulene is only 107°C.
I started with smoking weed about 15 years ago and have been vaping weed for more than 10 years...
While I used to vape a lot of my weed strictly on higher temperatures (190° - 380F) in order to get full extraction and the best possible high...
I realised after several years of vaping that I was always stoned as fuck like a bum (IMO almost like a crackhead), bored, sedated, and addicted.
I was fed up with the sedation and how i felt and from there i started to experiment on lower temperatures...
I first went cold turkey in order to experiment how the high would feel on different temperatures...
I followed this chart mostly but also compared with many other temperature sources:
I started with picking out a temperature and finishing the bowl ONLY on that temperature (no gradually increasing whatsoever).
I went cold turkey a handful of times re-testing every temperature without gradually increasing it to feel the difference in effect...
I managed to do this through many years for different temperatures going cold turkey each time in order to test other temperatures.
Guess what? After experimenting so much I found out that the lower temperatures (158° - 165°) gave me the best highs of all time...
I never had such an enjoyable clean high in my life! The following days after i even have an afterglow effect and I feel wonderful for days!
Now with the higher temperatures there is a drawback, if I go slightly higher than 158° - 160° and return back to 158° - 160° I lose the MAGIC.
It seems like higher temperatures build a tolerance to lower temperature SIMPLE. So in order to feel the same high again you'd have to go cold turkey first for a couple of weeks or months maybe in order to feel the same high from lower temperatures...
Also if you go higher for instance > 170 - 180° you mainly feel baked/sedated and the days after you feel bad if you don't vape again... Not only do you feel bad but you also don't have the wonderful afterglow effect like the lower temperatures... You will also feel the NEED to vape again, it almost feels like an addiction slowly setting up by itself and before you know it, you're vaping every day...
So in SHORT - Low Temp > THC Delta 9 > 315F - 158°C > RULEZZZZ!! (Pure SATIVA's are awesome for that but some hybrids too). The high is so CLEAN and NICE that you can't even experience that HIGH when you're used to vaping on higher temperatures. YOUR body is so used to higher temperatures it no longer enjoys and experience the full effect of lower temperatures.
So in SHORT - People who are used to vaping high temperatures will NOT feel the wonderful high of low temperatures unless they go cold turkey for a couple of weeks if not months. I remember the first time i couldn't go cold turkey i gradually had to decrease my consumption and temperature over the course of several weeks and eventually had to go cold turkey.
It was fucked up in the beginning but let me tell you once you have the power over your cannabis use instead of cannabis having the power over you it feels so much better. You have to experience it YOURSELF in order to know. I can't even explain it because you have to FEEL it for yourself.
I was strictly vaping on higher temperatures for years so i know exactly what feeling baked feels like. I'm not against higher temperatures, but I think higher temperatures only has its place for medical patients with severe problems...
I could go further with the pro's of vaping strictly on lower temperatures in terms of effect but i think you have to experience it for yourself.
Now I vape only once per week/once per month sometimes only once every 3 months and enjoy the quality of high/life much more...
I hope I've made this post helpful for people and ultimately help YOU with your quality of life and vaping experience.
Remember Cannabis Is Not A Drug Don't Treat It Like One - Cheers