best pot/crockpot to use?

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Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member
I'd go to the local Goodwill and see what's available. I'm cheap. I'm loose, too. Odor is a function of what you are cooking at how high a heat.


Deadhead, Low-Temp Dabber, Mahayana Buddhist
any good recommendations? low odor + reliability if possible

I would skip the crock pot and instead use a water heater/circulator to heat your product quite a bit more precisely. This web site explains how pretty well.

Oh and FYI: although I fully intend to try it, I haven't yet so I have no personal experience with this (or really any) method.

Heh and one more thing: Yes the initial investment is quite a bit more expensive than a crock pot - but you end up with a sous vide cooker, which will instantly and dramatically increase your ability in the kitchen while simultaneously making cooking ridiculously simple. And FWIW, I do have a ton of experience here. I adore my Classic Nomiku and can hardly wait for my WiFi Nomiku to arrive!!

Edit: Oh and I almost forgot: NO odor and completely reliable. :)
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But I like it!
It's called a Pot Crock in this forum ;) Make sure it has a 'low' and 'high' setting on it. Ours has an 'autoswitch' that goes back and forth between the two, which I sometimes use depending on what mood I'm in.

Good luck, and don't overthink it. They'll all work.
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