Well-Known Member
I have just bought the heatgun setup as referred to in http://fuckcombustion.com/threads/heatgun-vape-bong-vape-quick-start-guide-tutorial.8954/ . I would however, somewhere down the line, want to invest a portable vaporizer. What would be your suggestions? I am looking for taste, efficiency and easy of use. In that order. I am unsure whether I would want a battery-powered one or a lighter-based one. Any insights on this would be appriciated, also any recommendations against or in favour of certain brands or models are always appriciated. I have to state that unfortunately money is an issue, but if the more expensive ones turn out to be worth the extra money I may end up getting a more expensive one, which is why I am not giving a maximum amount I want to spend yet. I hope my post is clear, if not, always feel free to ask.