Best of the Vapman thread

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New Member
Hello FC, this is my first post here after some time of lurking and reading up on vaporizing. I recently bought a vapman and I'm writing this review in case someone might be interested.

Background story:
I began smoking weed some 5 years ago, together with my friends. We live in Europe, we always smoke tabbaco-weed joints (spliffs?). I was interested in buying a vaporizer for several reasons:
  • much healthier (all the docters I've ever met said never to smoke...),
  • much more efficient than smoking,
  • more stealthy (as in not so much smell).
I was doubting between the MFLB and the vapman, it was the vapman's closest competitor in it's price range. But after a while I choose the vapman because of:
  • it's extreme build-quality (made in swiss with only high-grade materials)
  • reportedly bigger hits and more efficient than mflb even though smaller trench
  • no electronic parts which can short or die
  • better quality trench than mflb. Apparantly the trench of the mflb is quite sensitive and needs very careful handling. This one is a nice copper gold plated plate, which is immediatly clean by blowing some air on it after vaping.
  • no hassle with batteries/electricity = good for festivals and such
  • I haven't read a single bad review of the vapman.
I live in Europe so I'd rather have a product that doesn't break than one (MFLB) with a lifetime warranty in the USA. There are too much posts on the mflb subreddit asking if their broken unit will be replaced by warranty. I don't see the bowl of the vapman breaking that easily.


First use:
So, I buy the vapman and I go to some friends to test it out together for the first time. We were blown away with the efficiency of this tiny thing. I only had a little bit of weed, less than a gram, enough for one or two joints, wouldn't be very effective for 3 people. At the end of the night we only used 4 bowls and maybe half the weed there was. It was so good my other 2 friends, without ever really considering buying a vaporizer, are going to buy one as soon as possible too.

It always surprises me how high I get off one bowl, from so little weed. It does take a good bit of getting used to. After 5 years of combusting I started to like the taste of joints so it's a bit weird at first to have this smooth vapor. You see so little vapor en you feel it so little it's a bit hard to get consistent hits. But I'm learning it now, after about a week of use. At the end of every bowl though I'm high as balls and easily at an [8], as they say on reddit. The high also seems to take longer to fade than a smoke high. In our baddest dreams we never could've hoped there was so much 'higness' in so little weed.

Ease of use:
The vapman takes a little getting used to (maybe because it's my first vape) but there are a lot of factors which make up the vapor: Length of flame, duration of heating, how much you pull, the temperature around you, dryness of the herb and how fine it is grinded. Vaping outside is a bit different than inside. The bowl seems to cool off faster with wind and cold temperatures and need a bit more heating. The herbs have to be grinded as fine as possible, this is difficult without a decent grinder. (You can also use a pill bottle with a nickel inside, or a pill crusher).
I haven't vaped a single bowl which didn't get me high, it's pretty easy to use.

My torchlighter only lasts me about 6 bowls before it needs a refill, but I can live with that. It's less of a hassle than batteries and because of this it's also more of a party piece. You do have to bring your can of butane. If you go to a party you have to explain really good how everything works to whoever uses it. None of my friends had a problem using it and getting as high as the rest. Because it's basically a one-man vape, it has such a small bowl. To get everyone high you need at least as much bowls as you have people, which can take quite some time. It basically means you'll have to constantly refill it and pass it around for an hour or more. I haven't tried out a third lung yet, but will do it as soon as I'm getting more consistent with it. I bought an mflb stem especially for that.

I combusted twice. The first time was the first night, and we didn't even notice. I only noticed afterwards when trying to clean my mouthpiece and bowl with Iso and some dirt not coming off. The second time was today, outside, I was almost at the end of my bowl and I heated a bit too long which caused me to inhale smoke. Now, however, I immediately noticed it was smoke I was getting, instead of vapor. I stopped inhaling and unscrewed the mouthpiece. No damage.

After a bowl you can just empty it out in your ABV container, if something doens't come loose you can touch it with the little metal things of your mouthpiece. If some residue is still in the bowl, just blow on it and all comes off. If I didn't combust I wouldn't have needed any Iso yet.

The metal filter on the mouthpiece was pretty dirty by combusting one time. I couldn't get any of it off with Iso. I heated the metal part of the mouthpiece with my torchlighter and it cleaned out real well. The bowl has 2 darker spots on it I couldn't get off, no biggie.
Tip: if you heat the metal filter part of the mouthpiece, unscrew it. I didn't do it and my mouthpiece started smoking. It was a little blacker than normal, but nothing normal damage of use wouldn't have caused.

It's not incredibly stealthy as you have to use a torch lighter. The constant click of the torchlighter is a big give-away if somebody is in the room next to you. I still live with my parents who're very anti-weed and I have to be very careful if I'm vaping in my bedroom.

The vapman itself does have a very distinct smell, a bit sweet. When the vapman is in it's case, you don't smell a thing. I wonder if it's the normal smell of vapor or if there is some pear-wood smell also. When heating there is some vapor smell which may escape the unit, but a lot less than the vapor you exhale.

When I vape in my room I use a sploof and open my window for an hour or two afterwards. I pregrind all my herb and put it in a glass jar. This cuts down on the smell in my room when filling (and I think my not-completely dry weed cures a bit faster like that). I don't know about the smell at that moment, but the morning after everything is certainly gone.

Build quality:
Very nice, I got the Mica version, and after about 20 bowls I don't see any damage to the base of the unit. The mica starts to curl a bit, it'll probably flake off, but that should be normal. The mouth piece has the usual burn marks on the wood (and some extra because of my bad cleaning). The only thing I'm a bit afraid of is that the bowl is only supported by these 3 tiny hollow brass tubes. I fear that I'll accidently put too much pressure on the mouthpiece (which is supported by the bowl) when high and break it off.

Vaping other herbs:
I vaped some weed with thyme because I read that someone got higher of less weed if he added some thyme to the mix. It gives a nice clean taste in the mouth, but I didn't really notice much else of it.
I also vaped some dried lavender leaves from my garden, I think it relaxed me a bit but didn't feel very much.

I'm very very happy with my first vape. I wish I had a more silent solution than the loud torchlighter to vape in my room, but that's the only negative.
It's so very tiny, everyone says it, but the pictures really don't give you an idea of how small it is. It's very easy to use, to get consistent hits you need practice, but it will get you high anyway. I'll be able to bring it to festivals this summer (which you can't possibly do with a battery-powered vape).
The efficiency is mind blowing, and to think about all the ABV I'll have makes me instantly happy.

This is the first review I've ever written, I hope it can be of some use to someone. It's nice to finally be part of the vaporizing community. I'll try to do a video review once to get some more vapman info out here on the web. During the wait for it's arrival I've scoured the internet read/watched everything vapman related I could find. Here are some pictures of my vapman after some 20 bowls :)

Happy vaping!



Evil Genius in Training
Accessory Maker
Had a chance to try one of these vapes for the first time yesterday. What a wonderful little contraption! It's such a well thought out product. Even though I don't generally like conduction vapes the taste and extraction out of it were wonderful. I might just have to get one to compliment my lotus. I just love the idea of having two butane powered vapes, one for convection and one for conduction in case, you know the world ends or something.

VAS is a terrible thing. Send help.



Salutations VapMan owners,

There's something about the VapMan which i seek a clarification for:

Are those 3 legs for support only or isn't this part of a heat-exchanger? I mean, if those actually are tiny hollow tubes guiding fresh inlet air inside its bowl, hence providing a combination of convection and conduction heat, then ain't this still a bit restrictive? Also, is it possible to see light from the bowl side through such a tubular leg? If so what about putting that feature in picture?...




Well-Known Member
Yes, they support and are hollow. No, they are not part of the heat exchange. That is by conduction through the copper body of the bowl (the part you heat).

Convection is where the air is superheated and carries heat into the vaporization, not the case here. The first part of the first draw pulls all the useful heat out of the thin walled tube I think. Vaporizing heat comes from the copper block, heated by fire. Conduction.

They are simply vents, they let air in so you can suck the vapor out. Like other vents in other vapes, unlike say T1 or VG. There are also 3 small vent holes in the upper body, just below where the stem plugs in. They let cold air into the vapor path after the herb chamber and just before the stem. They do so without robbing heat and cooling the load and slowing vapor production. You can see down the tubes if you're careful, but the path is long and narrow, its easier to confirm with a piece of wire or similar. Feel free to try to photograph it, but I see no need or advantage.

You're welcome to try it and speculate on what's 'too restrictive'. And like guys that plug the vent holes to 'improve the vapor' (and end up removing it later) you can experiment there too. I think you'll find as we did that the designers seem to have thought of that too and optimized the design very well. IMO it's well thought out, built and tested. And an excellent value and quite frugal with your herb. Just what you'd expect of the Swiss.......




In the beginning, when I was trying to perfect a technique. I would initially heat-up the hollow legs as well.

But as OF has pointed-out, it's all about the copper bowl, and keeping it at an optimal temperature. I like to think of it as a little cooker. Initially, in my impatience I would heat-it up as quickly as possible. The problem is that there is a very fine line between the right temperature and going overboard.

So I've now graduated to a more relaxed method: applying shorter blasts of the lighter, letting the herb slowly bake and allowing the aromas to waft out. Fewer clouds, but still extracting all the goods.

Breathing is important - the faster you draw, the more cool air passes through the pot. I tried closing the vents but it only restricted my draw. Yet, no problems getting clouds if I want to.

Also to be considered is that there is no barrier between the bowl and your lungs. So overheating and taking a massive pull will send combustion products - including large particles - shooting straight into to your lungs. Not nice.

Finally, it may sound trite, but there is a lovely tactile experience that goes with it - the way it's held, how it warms-up and how it rolls in your hand. This is helping me quit the cigarettes, as I have something to do with my hands, even when there is nothing cooking.

Ultimately, after a little experimentation, all worries fade away.



Salutations OF,
Salutations Stim,

Yes, they support and are hollow.

I would initially heat-up the hollow legs as well. But as OF has pointed-out, it's all about the copper bowl...

Perhaps this wasn't advertized when i 1st considered the VapMan 3 years ago but i found what i need to see, finally:


« The nozzle system especially developed for the vapman ensures the ideal mixture of air and active ingredients and makes the device particularly easy to use. The three nozzles with their extremely small holes are made of brass. They are held in a stepped bore and are flanged at the end. This allows them to be bound very securely to the pan. »


No, they are not part of the heat exchange. ... Vaporizing heat comes from the copper block, heated by fire. Conduction.

Hummm... So it's still a conduction vaporizer, just like the initial impression i always had actually, except i'm now fully aware of those 3 tiny "air nozzles"...

...there is a lovely tactile experience that goes with it - the way it's held, how it warms-up and how it rolls in your hand. This is helping me quit the cigarettes, as I have something to do with my hands, even when there is nothing cooking.

The VapMan would be for a smoker who wishes to quit tobacco while he'd continue to enjoy cannabis. Knowing how ritual can make a difference i think this would be an excellent option to suggest for a Plan-B, since he may also find suitable to have a Plan-A for use at home.

Feel free to try to photograph it, but I see no need or advantage.

Google Images happens to be my prefered search tool, here and elsewhere, because the long reading sessions started to challenge my eyes quite significantly. As a matter of fact i figure i'm not the only guy around who's looking for visual clues and hence i promote the use of graphically obvious illustrations whenever possible.




Well-Known Member
At the tip of the bowl. I've played with flame length. Currently it's probably 6-7 mm (but I can't be sure at this moment).

WAY too short, IMO. Try 3 times that, at least. I gauge mine by the opening on the Vapman (held sideways). I like it bigger than the free part (the hole), almost to the full diameter.

Some time for fun tape up or otherwise block the air vents on your torch and see how much gas is being used if it were a Bic lighter (candle flame type). Not very big, really. The total heat in the flames is the same since the chemical reactions are the same, it's just that the torch concentrates the heat much better. It makes it easier to get that relatively small amount of heat on target.

My advice is don't be shy with the fire. Then sneak up on the magic seconds at a time. That is heat it a few seconds, if you don't get enough, heat it again a few more right away and try again. You can 'overshoot' it a fair bit without anything more serious than coughing, but if you keep the flame hot (big) and keep track of time you should do just fine.

BTW, you should really investigate buying straight from the factory. Very fast service, great prices and stuff you can't get here (like repair parts and exotic stems).




I am a leaf on the wind ~ watch how I soar...

I bet I could use theVapman blindfolded so maybe the light of the torch would be enough for me to use it correctly in the dark and not burn myself. Of course loading it in the dark wouldn't fly at all.

I noticed a difference in the type of high with the Vapman vs the MFLB. I can't put it in words, but maybe it's headier with the Vapman? I like the Vapman effect better, but a friend of mine that has both didn't feel a real difference, and I think it's something to do with the heat.

Lately Instarted torching the VM more aggressively (at the edge of combustion) and am getting a real strong Couch Lock now! So I bet you would get it if you did the same thing.

The only negative point with the VM is the learning curve. It takes some time to learn to hit it just right but once you do, it becomes second nature and you do it right every time without thinking. I did Not get a good effect with the VM at first, but after about a month of usage I was getting awesome effects and couch lock every time. Mr. Melish said something on a post, I believe.

I would advise a new user to use about 1/2 a bowl or less a few times while experimenting and once you get the technique down, then a whole bowl will blow you away. This will save on herb supplies. I haven't needed more than one bowl for a while.

I'm with you about the MFLB, the unit and the company. They both rock. The price is right for it too. And a friend of mine has been using it at home for years without his wife ever even suspecting about any "foul play" – Now that's stealth! Like I said before, batteries are just "un-natural" to me. I'm more in tune with a torch lighter.

The Vapman fits my personality so well it's awesome. Like they made it just for me!

Thanks for the info on the vapolution 2.0. I'll look into it.

Modnote: Back to back posts merged.

By the way, in case this helps a VM newbie...

I torch it more aggressively now – dancing at the edge of combustion – and draw at least 10 times on a bowl.

I keep hitting it until it starts tasting burnt – I want to get as much out of a bowl as I can, sacrificing taste for effect.

But I know it well enough that I don't have to peek at the herb to know what's happening in there.

I feel the heady effects a bit before it starts tasting burnt – maybe about 3 draws before this?

EDIT: If you don't want Couch Lock, don't be so aggressive with the torch (keep it cooler). You may not even get visible vapor and you may get more than 10 draws and it may never taste burnt. This will give you a good heady effect with almost no Couch Lock.

It was very surprising to me that I could get so many draws out of each bowl. It's awesome.

Practice is fun, but herb is expensive... Still, practice, practice, practice....



Well-Known Member
What lighter should I be looking at? I only have a torch. So, I will need a good lighter? Or will my torch work for a little?

Go with a small torch. The 'sweet spot' is small and your fingers nearby. You don't want to be waving a blowtorch around. This is my favorite. I suggest you order several (at three bucks per shipped.....). They don't break, but are very handy and easy to leave lying around. Right now there's one in the kitchen for lighting candles, and one on the patio next to the BBQ. One here on the desk (the most used of course), another in the 'war bag', a loaded spare in a box on the shelf and a couple new ones stashed away:

It's smaller than the photo indicates. I think they used a model with tiny hands.......

I think you're going to love the Vapman. While I think the price is excellent (especially direct from the factory?), this is one of those rare things for which 'cheap at twice the price' might fit. You get a LOT of vape for the buck here........

Enjoy it when it gets there. Don't be shy with the heat, follow the results you like.




Unknown Member

Wow, beautiful day out, hit 77 today. Got some riding in, hung with the dog, now enjoying some of this crazy fast flowing river. I really love the freedom this vape allows..

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Well-Known Member
Hey people. I've a couple of questions about the VM, if you'd be so kind.

How does the 'hit' compare to other vapes? For example I got a hammer recently and the hit from that is very strong. Whereas my mflb always feels a bit more gentle. I appreciate both but am interested in where the VM falls on the scale.

What's your guys opinions on the mica. I had a look on the VM store but no model mentions mica. I assume the basic is without mica and the standard is with? Is it worth the extra? I can oil my own VM so am not worried about that.

How even is the extraction? With my MFLB I often find (regardless of dry herb etc) that the extraction is a little uneven unless I take it all very dark. It's important for me to extract very evenly.
I almost forgot. How is the VM with pressed hash? I use a lot of good quality soft and hard hash. Is it possible to use these on their own in the VM?

I've used over 15 other vapes including MFLB, VGs (several of them), the Lotus, Pinnacle Pro and many plug-ins as well as other portables. In comparison the Vapman is the most efficient, and most reliable of all that I've tried (and the ones I've tried are lengthy tries as I give a couple months to any new vape that comes my way). By 'reliable' meaning I know the next time I use it, it will work exactly as expected.

The 'hit' experience is top notch, if you want it all at once you can learn to do that, or you can take it in over several hits.

Mica is for looks only, and it does look good. I've got both the basic and classic, and the heat is applied to the gold-covered copper container only, therefore whether the surrounding material is wood or mica has ZERO affect on the hit. Though I did read a review where the mica was purported to provide some thermal properties as the incoming air pipes are mounted to it, but the bowl and mica are separated by an air layer, so my opinion it is 'looks only and zero performance difference'. That said, I do like the look of the mica and the detailed and exacting craftsmanship that has gone into placing it on the wood (with no adhesives). The Vapman website also claims zero performance difference, and the mica model came second on the timeline.

The extraction is reliably complete. Meaning of all other vapes I've tried and use, the Vapman is able to reliably and rather easily (with a bit of practice) provide complete extraction without any combustion. As I've said to many people it's the most efficient vape I've ever used.

In regards to hash, I've read posts about 'sticky mess' but this wasn't my experience. Recently one gentleman convinced me to put in some bubble hash along with an herbal blend. The outcome was this: it didn't just work, it worked EXCEEDINGLY well. The unexpected part was the bubble hash vaporized at just a bit lower temperature than the herbal blend, thus we were able to completely consume the bubble hash and the herbs were still mostly green. Following this experience used some QWISO concentrate, and it also worked though not quite as well. In the case of QWISO, the herb was fully spent prior to the concentrate being fully consumed. But we just kept hitting it and the QWISO was fully consumed. The only 'sticky mess' encountered was when we tried to remove the herb too soon, but stopped this and took more hits and all the stickiness and mess was cleanly vaporized. Have also sprinkled kief over herb and this worked similarly to the bubble hash. So overall with bubble hash/kief when mixed with herb, it's a 10, with QWISO mixed with herb I give it a 6 out of 10. I didn't have to clean the top or bottom due to these experiments, but do from time to time rub the metal surfaces with an ISO dampened q-tip. Also have never used it with only hash or kief, have only ever mixed with herbs and frankly wouldn't recommend direct vaping of hash in the Vapman.

In direct comparison to the MFLB which I have used for years and own 4 of them now and have given away several as gifts (meaning in summary, I've bought plenty of them), the Vapman wins easily. First of all no batteries to muss with, just a torch and the one that comes with the Vapman is the best I've used and it has a large tank. The extraction with Vapman is always complete, whereas getting a full extraction with an MFLB is a challenge and often not possible due to varying battery charges or delivery rates of power or any one of various conditions that must perfectly align for full extraction from an MFLB. The amount of herb in the Vapman is 1/2 that used in MFLB, and I know this because I put in a normal load into an MFLB, then dumped it out and got two full loads in the Vapman. In terms of time needed to consume a dose, the Vapman is 1/10th or less the time it takes me to consume using an MFLB.

I used to think the bowl size on the Vapman was too small, WAY TOO SMALL. But now that I've used it (extensively now for months), realize the bowl size is pretty much the perfect size for a single dose. The Vapman has a way of convincing you that your average potency herb is actually top notch in terms of potency. Don't believe me? Try it yourself. Or in summary, don't worry that the bowl size is too small, it turns out to be a plus, in your favor. The MFLB used to be the efficiency king in my book, then along came Vapman and it is 2X as efficient.

Are there downsides? Well, if you want a party device, Vapman is not it. It's more for a person at a time to medicate with a single dose. I let people try it all the time, but always load it myself and heat it myself and let them (one person per dose) take the hits until it's fully consumed (usually 4 hits). Everyone but one person (who gave it a neutral and claims to not be able to vaporize only combust for medicinal reasons) has enjoyed using it, and they all think I have really good herb (which I don't). But even the 'neutral' person was liking the last couple hits and didn't combust (had a joint at the ready) afterwards, so it was more about preconceived ideas than actual performance of the Vapman that gave it a neutral rating from that one person.

Are there upsides not mentioned? For one, the speed of the whole process is yet unmatched by any other vape (portable or plug in) I've ever used. From whole flower to fully vaped in a couple minutes, consistently, is a great plus here. Though the Lotus is a bit faster to get started, because often with the Lotus I'll just jam in a whole flower and not grind it up. With the Vapman I use pill bottles to store ground herb. However, the Lotus needs stirring along the way and the Vapman doesn't, so it's still faster overall than the Lotus.

In direct comparison to the Lotus, a vape that I do love to use and still use from time to time, the Lotus tends to combust easily, has a bit bigger bowl, works fine with unground herb. The Vapman is more stealthy. Using the Lotus in a car is at times uncomfortable, but the Vapman is nice and easy.

One other plus is the ease of maintenance, or best described as 'lack of maintenance'. Other than using a bit of ISO on a q-tip to gently rub the top and bowl surfaces, there's no maintenance. The holes in the top piece (on the stainless steel filter, rather than the cooling holes on the sides of the top piece) have never clogged even with QWISO loaded. Though most of the holes are actually backed by solid wood and not used, only the very center ring of holes and the very center hole are used, all the others are there but don't let air through.



Well-Known Member
Are you really going to make me spend more money?! It looks like a shrunken satellite and I might need it.
And I agree with OF ...... you should really check out the Vapman! :nod:

Yeah, check it out:

It's got that 'Steampunk thing' wall to wall. That's Pear wood (of all things), Mica, Gold plated parts, bitty screws, hand made Swiss stuff. They make those little chocolates that look like money and don't take sides you know. Works amazingly well as well.

Bottom line is it's well made, fun to use, very efficient, tiny, fun construction and a real trip to get loaded and waste time checking out. Over and over and over. You might poke around the web some, there's a neat video of the guys making them and one of a guy with a fun accent using it in the backyard.

And EU made.

Highly recommended as the saying goes.


mod note: This and the following 4 posts were moved from the Solo thread.



Well-Known Member
Glass Blower
More unedited and unordered thoughts from me....

The linseed oil I used to oil my VM as changed the smell of the VM quite considerably. I'm not going to use it again. I'm gonna look into some different oils but for now I'll just let it be, stuck a bit of purified beeswax on the outside and that may not be the right thing but it has given a very shiny finish.

The blocking of holes with toothpicks is not for me. I tried 1, 2 and three holes blocked, if anything I'd block only one although this seems to make it whistle. I'm happy using it as the manufacturer intended.

This unit is ideal for kif. Absolutely perfect match, had a pan (bowl?) last night and it was stunning.

It's very difficult to use in social situations, I find if I'm not concentrating on heating then I'm taking long draws. When with friends I have to sit out of the conversation for a min or two while i use the unit. Hopefully this will get better with time as I get used to altering the ritual slightly. Also when sharing with friends heating for them is annoying. Luckily most of my smoker friends mix with tobacco and don't really enjoy the high of pure weed (I can understand that, there really is something special about the combination of nicotine and thc, although I'm now a convert) so they generally aren't interested in my vapes beyond "ooo how does it work?".

It's a bit of an annoying shape. I need to find a little tin to store it in two pieces. I love the egg but there's no way your getting it in a jeans pocket.

I've been using a cheapo plastic jet lighter, branded 'dragon', and its been fine. It was £3 (i got two) and haven't had any troubles yet, touch wood.

Has anyone taken there's apart? how does the heating element and the three tubes come out? Was thinking of taking it apart to really get a good sand on the inside, not essential but I like to tinker and this vape feels as though its a good un for fiddling.




Well-Known Member
More unedited and unordered thoughts from me....

The linseed oil I used to oil my VM as changed the smell of the VM quite considerably. I'm not going to use it again. I'm gonna look into some different oils but for now I'll just let it be, stuck a bit of purified beeswax on the outside and that may not be the right thing but it has given a very shiny finish.

The blocking of holes with toothpicks is not for me. I tried 1, 2 and three holes blocked, if anything I'd block only one although this seems to make it whistle. I'm happy using it as the manufacturer intended.

This unit is ideal for kif. Absolutely perfect match, had a pan (bowl?) last night and it was stunning.

It's very difficult to use in social situations, I find if I'm not concentrating on heating then I'm taking long draws. When with friends I have to sit out of the conversation for a min or two while i use the unit. Hopefully this will get better with time as I get used to altering the ritual slightly. Also when sharing with friends heating for them is annoying. Luckily most of my smoker friends mix with tobacco and don't really enjoy the high of pure weed (I can understand that, there really is something special about the combination of nicotine and thc, although I'm now a convert) so they generally aren't interested in my vapes beyond "ooo how does it work?".

It's a bit of an annoying shape. I need to find a little tin to store it in two pieces. I love the egg but there's no way your getting it in a jeans pocket.

I've been using a cheapo plastic jet lighter, branded 'dragon', and its been fine. It was £3 (i got two) and haven't had any troubles yet, touch wood.

Has anyone taken there's apart? how does the heating element and the three tubes come out? Was thinking of taking it apart to really get a good sand on the inside, not essential but I like to tinker and this vape feels as though its a good un for fiddling.

I would you suggest you get Eds butter for your vapman. I use it on my log vapes and my vapman. He even has a honey scented butter. I highly recommend that butter.



Away with the fairies


Well-Known Member
I haven't taken mine apart - but a screwdriver has just been added to the Vapman store :)

I strongly suspect it's for use on the screws that hold the SS plate (which they sell as a service part), not to secure the oven or mica shields (which they do not sell as service parts).

I still advise not messing with the 3 screws that hold the clamps. I see nothing to gain, and some considerable risk to the little guy. Even with the official screwdriver.

Then again, it's yours.....




Well-Known Member
I love my vapman! I have no idea how this vape doesent get more love! Its just so damn tiny you can hide it nearly anywhere and when its broken down NO ONE would know what the hell it was! Every time I go somewhere or someone stops by my place I set it down on the table and tell them to describe it to me and what they think it is. Not one of them guessed correctly and I literally blew them away when I showed them what it was for and how to use it.

Semi-fine grind, 7 second torch time and then rip. then 5 second torch time every rip after that and Im blowing some NICE clouds!



I am a leaf on the wind ~ watch how I soar...
I couldn't agree with you more I love my vapman so much!! I dont get why it isn't raved about more...

I know what you mean. Since I got my VM, I stopped looking for vapes altogether.

What did it for me was:

1. The price is right.
2. The cool steampunk design.
3. Tiny Size.
4. No batteries to deal with.
5. Virtually Zero maintenance.
6. Super easy to clean.
7. They sell all the parts separately.
8. The company backs up their product with awesome customer care. They are really approachable, they answer emails quickly and are super helpful.

Above all, I really LOVE the Ritual. I just don't get that from battery vapes. They're like sucking on a milkshake.

I think this may actually be a drawback for some people though.

Some may not be interested in the ritual at all, and may not hold out long enough to learn how to use it and get the most out of it.

If you dedicate a bit of time, it becomes second nature and you don't have to think about it anymore.

To me, this little vape is both a really cool and efficient machine and also a work of art.

I love this little vape!

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I am a leaf on the wind ~ watch how I soar...
I tried this morning by turning the flame intensity down on my torch (Vector Stratos if that means anything), increased the cooking time, and the bowl lasted forever. However, the first few hits I'm unsure if I got any vapor and the herb looked uncooked. Once the vape had been reheated a few times, it worked as usual, and was done in 3 hits.

Interesting that you were still done in 3 hits after it heated up.

Well, Last night I made my flame longer/hotter and gave it a go.

I was done in about 5 hits! I had to be more careful with my timing since I'm not used to the hotter flame, so on the sixth draw I combusted. :doh:

I got the same effect as usual, but faster – which is a good thing!

Next time I'll lower the flame a bit, but leave it hotter than usual and get used to that.

This way, I'll get the same effect in less time.

Like someone posted before: start cooler, then heat it up in the middle, then ease off again. I didn't do this. I stayed hot all the way through...

Tip: If (or when) you combust, you'll know right away because of the smell... DON'T INHALE! Remove the mouthpiece and BLOW out of it immediately to clear out any smoke.

If you inhale, the mouthpiece will absorb the smoke and the stench will stay in it for a while. (Don't ask me how I know this).

Also, clean the bowl immediately so it doesn't stain. But the smell won't stick to the bowl at all.

It's so cool to keep experimenting, right?

Like OF said, Choice is good. It's all good. :tup:


u bwade wunner

Well-Known Member
I've been meaning to drop in and share some love for the vapman or vap lady:)

I had an original vapman basic for quite a cracked right through the centre.I emailed Vapman and he was kind as & said he had nt seen that before. He made a generous offer so I made a deal to upgrade to a walnut Mica a number of months ago.

It's a great little vape.i totally recommend it.It medicates and soothes quickly.

I'm fond of the after effects of conduction vaping compared to say convection. Stony might be the word I'm looking for here:) I seem to get more relaxed,a heavier feeling.:shrug:

I use the vapman as intended..tried blocking holes and returned to the original way.only addition I made,I threw a piece of leather in the vapcase to stop the filling ring rattling so much while out and about.

My favourite thing about the vapman how it works.some other vapes especially the other torch vapes available lotus vapor genie require You to torch,view and hit at the same time.For me in a public space that is a concern.vapman is different here..heat the pan in you're lap, put you're lighter down and then enjoy,take in those views while savouring some really clean kidding.awesome tasting device. should definitely be a companion at a nice sunset or indoors with a movie.its a great vape to introduce others to vaping.
The tiny profile fits in wherever you take it.

The stem in there is a coco bolo launch box stem I trimmed.

Two good partners.



Modnote: Edited to fix image orientation

u bwade wunner,


Away with the fairies
I haven't read anywhere that Vapman are planning on selling their own whip @RUDE BOY . The MFLB whip apparently fits a treat though. I haven't tried wax, but I have tried out different types of hash. Whilst some are fine, others make a heck of a mess - so I tend to only use herbs and kief in mine as it is.

Those new screens really are going to make this already superb little vaporiser so versatile. Talking of screens, here are some pics the lovely people in Switzerland just released:





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u bwade wunner

Well-Known Member
And I'dlove it if the input doesn't come from OF as I don't appreciate his v1 Lotusexperience so much. Sorry OF but it's outdated… :rolleyes:

Man go easy on the of- he's a Vapor Jedi round these parts and has helped many as You have nice man.;)

Vapman is a vape You can take out to your moms place for a BBQ and not be too bothered using if around a table with folks and I have many times.the natural look,the tiny scale, and precision feel of this tiny little vaporizer goes unnoticed really quickly mostly.It can become a focal point in company briefly but folks leave intrigued and positive from their experience of it after You offer it to them.
The lotus is an occasional vape for me nowadays.

hits can be however You like it thick or light and very flavoursome on the first inhalations,very short airpath and no waiting around.I need that.its a manual control the heat of the device,it's simple. And once You get it down you will miss the vapman if it's not there.its my go to mostly purely for it sedative conduction hits.too much sticky slab as a kid I think.i find it mimics those effects well.

My favourite vapman vid or one of them,

You can load it with a slurpee straw if you like,no need for the ring but I use it sometimes.only other thing is a tiny brush to dislodge the herbcake after roasting it.i get 5 or so hits from a load first three are super flavoursome to flavoursome then last two dwindle to coffee colour grounds .the last hits are the hits that really work for me though.Im sure I could get more,that's just how if works for me.then I reload and it's back to flavour city yum.



Well-Known Member
I felt the smell from linseed lingered for quite a while (re 5 days).

You're using boiled linseed oil, right? That's the traditional wood finish although you can get raw versions as well.....they take much longer to dry. Which is why they 'boil' it. It doesn't boil as much as gets cooked in an oxygen free way. This makes "Stand oil", an intermediate step that's sometimes used as is.

Modern boiled linseed oils are further processed with metal salts to dry even faster. These same salts are also available as "Japan dryer" and similar to further enhance this effect. This increases the tendency to 'cross link' (turn into plastic basically). Using modern boiled oils 2 days at normal temperatures (and humidity) is a good number to work with.

Long ago, Lead salts were used for this, modern dryers use less toxic metals for a number of reasons.

BTW, "oil based" paints do the same thing since it's basically the same thing going on (which is why you can't wash it off the wall with 'paint thinner'.

Check out "Stand oil" and "Boiled Linseed Oil" about 2/3 of the way down.

A good description of drying agents, IMO.





Well-Known Member
I used "boiled Linseed oil" and I think I learned to post pictures:). They are crappy phone pictures but I think they get the point across. I want to use this weekend but I may just leave it to polymerize over the weekend instead. I'll post more pictures when I reassemble it.
The Vapman basic as we all know it.


And after the Vapman met my Torch.



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