I truly believe now, there’s a unmistakable “weed” smell and taste, almost primal, that comes from smoking. And I’m not talking about the “terpene hit” we get from vaping. I now believe once you take “that” taste away many people just feel like somethings missing.
With vaping you can get THE weeds taste, but not so much, that “weed taste.” If that makes any sense / cents.
This is exactly it. It's the exact same smell that makes me snap my head round when I walk past someone smoking a massive joint of some stinky skunk in park. It's just an unmistakeable 'weed' smell that's not particularly present in vaping for me, and it's something I really love.
Sorry for the late reply to this but when I was converting to vaping I had the same experience.
Like you, I smoked spliffs with tobacco all day long. I had done this for ~20 yrs with another 10 before just smoking in the evening. When I was converting I felt all weed just tasted the same when vaped, except for maybe the first hit, where as I could experience all the aroma in a strain when smelling, or smoking.
2 years later, and 18 months smoke free I now agree with everyone else. It's impossible to taste the flavour in smoke now. I guess we get so used to that ash tray tobacco essence we somehow manage to completely ignore those harsh smoke flavours. I don't understand it, but that's what I've put it down to.
Fwiw, my favourite tasting strain has been constant throughout this process, it remains my best tasting, it just took some time for me to get used to the purer experience. It will come to you eventually, but it takes dedication. You're certainly on the way, and I applaud you for cutting down so much already.
This is really helpful, thanks. That last statement really resonates with me and makes me think you get where my head is at. There are certain strains I just love so much, and have for over 10 years. The combination of flavour and effect is just perfect and it saddens me to think I won't ever experience that again if I switch 100% to vaping. It's not the work of potentially having to find a new favourite strain for vaping, that actually sounds fun, it's more like the loss of a dear old friend. The fact that you retained your favourite gives me hope.
May I ask - what was it that finally converted you away from combusting completely? Was it a certain vape or certain method? Did combustion just start to taste bad and you didn't want it anymore, or did you have to force yourself off the joints? Do you miss combusting?
I imagine anyone reading this who didn't get into cannabis via smoking flower probably thinks this whole conversation sounds very odd. To those people who are struggling to see where I'm coming from, allow me to use a lazy comparison -
If weed is steak, your favourite strain is A5 wagyu. Now imagine you've cooked that wagyu in a sous vide bath to the perfect internal doneness, but then you decide to skip the sear because you don't like the smoky flavour and the charred carbon is bad for your health. So you eat it as is, slimy and grey and unseasoned, but technically cooked. Yes you can still taste it, in fact you can taste the unadulterated flavour of the meat much more accurately, but it's not as nice.
It's a laboured metaphor I know, and it's actually not fair - the flavour of vaped weed isn't gross like an unseared steak,
it's nice and light, it's floral and herby, but that's part of the problem. I favour dank stinky strains. In the room my weed smells like a sweaty locker room, rotten fruit and ammonia. All of that comes through nicely in the smoke, but when I vape it, it tastes positively inoffensive, on the first few pulls I get a watered down 'diet' version of some of those tasty terps I recognise, but from then on it tastes like it could be an organic air freshener or something. Unacceptably pleasant
There is a compromise between flavor and harshness imo. All on demand convection vapes I've tried tend to have better flavor but are much harsher. They're also the worst vapes for MTL. If harshness really bothers you, I'd be very careful listening to the advice posted here. Most here prioritize flavor.
Can you (or someone) speak more to this please? I had assumed when flavour increases harshness would decrease, or that harshness was just related to taking huge, hot hits. When you say 'harshness' I assume you are talking about the dry tickliness that make you cough?
When I see people reviewing vapes online, it seems 50% of the time someone takes a big rip, they cough. So is this something that doesn't go away?
I never cough when I'm smoking joints and I don't want to cough when I'm vaping. The dyna with the vortex doesn't make me cough. The mighty does irritate my throat though and can make me cough on big rips or high temps (I suspect it has a lot to do with dryness of the flower too, whether it's just come out of the jar or it's been in my stash tin for 2 days). Having said that, I'm doing much better with it now that I attached the vortex stem. I am aware the VAS is real and I have officially caught the bug. I think you're trying to kindly tell me that it's foolish to go flavour chasing with multiple pricey vapes when I'm not even fully adjusted to the vaping experience yet, I'm just going to end up disappointed, and I suspect you are 100% correct. With the price of tobacco here in the UK, I'm saving enough to buy a mighty a month anyway
That's not a reviewers thing, but pretty much the norm with most devices.
To be honest I originally wrote 'crazy 7-8 second drags that
most of you guys seem to prefer' but then I actually changed it as I realised I didn't know how any of you vape, and was making assumptions based on youtube reviewers

I am now experimenting with longer, slower drags on the mighty and I'm finding as long as I keep my draw soft and controlled then I can take a bigger, longer pulls without coughing up a fit, and it's a bit more satisfying. However I still miss part of the flavour after the inhale when drawing direct to lung compared to MTL with the dyna.
Thanks all for the continued help. I really appreciate it.